Chapter 5 - Fan control application
—September 2021 www.eaton.com
Table 25. Outputs (Cont.).
P3.1 - Digital output.
RO1 function
ID 152
Minimum value:
Maximum value:
Default value:
0 = Not used - no action;
1 = Ready - drive is ready for operation;
2 = Run - drive is running;
3 = Fault - drive is faulted;
4 = Fault invert - drive is not faulted;
5 = Warning - drive has a warning message;
6 = Reverse - drive is outputting reverse phase rotation;
7 = At speed - drive output frequency has reached the set reference;
8 = Zero frequency - drive output is at zero frequency;
9 = Frequency limit supervision - supervision for frequency limit 1 is activated;
10 = PI supervision - supervision for PI controller is activated;
11 = Torque limit supervision - supervision for torque limit;
12 = Reference limit supervision - supervision for reference limit;
13 = Power limit supervision - supervision for power limit;
14 = Temperature limit supervision - supervision for drive temperature limit;
15 = Analog input supervision - supervision for analog input limit;
16 = Motor current supervision - supervision for motor current limit;
17 = Over heat fault - drive over heat fault has occurred;
18 = Over current regular - over current regulator is enabled;
19 = Over volt regular - over volt regulator is enabled;
20 = Under volt regular - under volt regulator is enabled;
21 = 4 mA fault - 4 mA fault has occurred;
22 = External fault - external fault has occurred;
23 = Motor thermal fault - motor thermal fault has occurred;
24 = STO fault output - safe torque Off input is activated;
25 = Control from IO - I/O is the selected start command location;
26 = Remote control - remote is the control place;
27 = Unrequested rotation direction - active direction is not the same as the reference direction;
28 = Fire mode - drive is in fire mode;
29 = Damper control - damper control output;
30 = Valve control - valve control output;
31 = Jog speed - drive is in jog mode;
32 = Fieldbus input 1 - controller by fieldbus control word;
33 = Fieldbus input 2 - controled by fieldbus control word;
34 = DC charge switch close - DC pre-charge relay is closed;
35 = Preheat active - preheat control mode is activated;
36 = Cold weather active - cold weather mode is active ;
37 = PI sleep - PI controller is in a sleep state;
38 = 2nd stage ramp frequency active - Accel/Decel time 2 is active
39 = Prime pump active - drive is running in prime pump mode;
40 = Master drive state - indicates it is the master drive in the multi-pump control mode;
41 = Slave drive state - indicates it is the slave drive in the multi-pump control mode; or
43 = Single drive control - indicates the motor contactor is open or close in multi-pump control mode.
Defines the function associated with changing the state of relay output 1.