Check for unlocked access areas:
The menu [ Device Para / Access Level ] provides the information, which access areas
(authorizations) are currently unlocked. Within this menu it is also possible to enter
(unlock) a particular area.
However, the common way during every-day-use of the EMR-3MP0 is not to use this
[ Access Level ] menu, but to simply enter the menu path of a parameter to be changed,
then start editing the parameter; at the end, immediately before the change is accepted,
the user is asked for the appropriate password, which then unlocks the respective access
As soon as there is an unlocked access area (authorization) above »Read Only-Lv0« , this
will be indicated by an unlocked lock symbol within the upper right corner of the device
If you want to explicitly set back (i. e. lock) the access area at the end (instead of waiting
for the »t-max Edit/Access« timeout) you have to enter the »Read Only-Lv0« mode.
Unlock an access area at the panel:
Via the menu [Device Para / Access Level] it is possible to unlock or lock access areas
(authorizations). After an access area has been unlocked all parameter changes or
activities that are assigned to this (or a lower) level can be made without entering a
password once again. However, the access permission is valid only for the panel; any
access via PowerPort-E has to be unlocked separately.
When no key is pressed for a time that can be specified via the [ Device Para / HMI /
Security] »t-max Edit/Access« setting, the access area is reset automatically to »Read
Only-Lv0« and all unsaved parameter changes get canceled.
Do not leave the EMR-3MP0 unsupervised as long as there are still access areas (levels)
unlocked (unlocked lock symbol on the display). If the access is no longer needed it is
advisable to reset the permissions back to »Read Only-Lv0«.
Unlock an access area via PowerPort-E :
After an access area (authorizations) has been unlocked by entering the password all
parameter changes or activities that are assigned to this (or a lower) level can be made
without entering a password once again. However, the access permission is valid only for
this instance of PowerPort-E ; any access via panel or other PowerPort-E instances has to
be unlocked separately.
When no key is pressed for some (PowerPort-E-internal) time the access area is
automatically reset.
1 EMR‑3MP0 Motor Protection Relay
1.4 Security