• In the same way can signals also be assigned to the LEDs of the EMR-3MP0, so that
an LED is lit as soon as the assigned signal becomes “True”. (See also
Input States (for a module input)
• Input States are special signals and are part of the “menu tree”. For every parameter
to which a signal can be assigned, there is a related Input State. At run-time, the
Input State reflects the current state of the assigned signal. This way the
dependencies in the behavior of a protection function can be traced.
There is the following naming convention: If a parameter to which a signal can be
assigned is named »Name«, then the related Input State has the name »Name-I«.
Counters, Values
• Values are more or less volatile data that are constantly kept up to date during run-
• The most common (and most important) type of Values is the set of Measured Values
(e. g. the current and/or voltage values measured at the CT/VT, frequency values);
we are going to use the term Measured Values also for values that are derived from
measured values by calculation, e. g. the power value calculated from current and
voltage). Of course, the set of available Measured Values depends on the capabilities
of the particular protection device.
• Another important type is the Counters. Whereas Measured Values are usually
floating-point numbers (mostly with a related unit of measurement), do Counters
hold a digital, integer number. For most Counters, there is a related Direct
Command, which can be used to reset the Counter value to 0.
1 EMR‑3MP0 Motor Protection Relay
1.3 Modules, Settings, Signals and Values