Trend Recorder
Read the Trend Recorder
The Trend Recorder saves measured data in their time development.
• Enter the menu branch [Operation / Recorders / Trend rec].
• On the panel you can see a summary (timestamp, number of entries).
Due to the technical restrictions of the LCD display it is not possible to see any
details of the recorded data.
• Via PowerPort-E, however, you can make a double-click on the entry with the
summary. This allows you to download the analog data from the EMR-3MP0 and save
it to a file (with the filename extension
Afterwards the
file can be opened with the QualityManager. Please see the
QualityManager manual for a detailed description.
Configuring the Trend Recorder
The Trend Recorder can be configured within the [Device Para / Recorders / Trend rec]
The time interval defines the distance between two measuring points.
Up to ten values can be selected for recording.
5 Recorders
5.4 Trend Recorder