Installation and operation manual for
conventional fire panels
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Technical Data
October 2019
Detector Zone Inputs
Each zone is configured by default to Conventional mode and is
provided with an EOLM-1 fitted inside the panel . For zones that
need to be in Standard Conventional mode the EOLM-1 must be
removed from the panel and fitted to the last device on each zone .
Any unused zones must be terminated inside the panel by the
EOLM-1 otherwise the zone will go into fault condition .
For zones to be configured in Intrinsically Safe Conventional mode
the EOLM-1 must be removed and replaced by a 5K1 resistor (not
supplied) and fitted in the last device at the end of zone after the
intrinsically safe barrier . Any unused intrinsically safe zones must
be terminated by the 5K1 end-of-line resistor .
It is recommended that any zone that is not in use should remain
in the factory default configuration of Standard Conventional mode
with the EOLM-1 fitted in the panel .
Repeater I/O
The Fire Panel provides a monitored RS485 bus that allows for up
to 3 passive repeater panels to be connected to it . The repeater
panels have their own power supplies so no power connection
is required from the Fire Panel . Each repeater panel must be
assigned a unique address using the DIP switches provided on the
repeaters (see repeater manual for details) .
On power-up or after a hard reset the Fire Panel will perform it’s
lamp test . Once this is complete the Fire Panel will scan the
RS485 bus for any repeaters connected . The panel will briefly
flash the Zone Fault indicators to show the number of repeaters it
has found . Below is a table of what these indications mean .
It is important to note this during installation to ensure that the
panel has found the correct number of repeaters .
Once the repeaters have been found the Fire Panel will broadcast
all status information to them so that they will mirror the indicator
and buzzer states of the Fire Panel . The Fire Panel expects to
receive a response from each repeater, if at any time a repeater
stops responding for more than 60 seconds then the Fire Panel
will start to flash the “Repeater Fault” indicator .
Option Board (FRE/FPE/Zonal Relays)
The options board is an additional daughter card that provides
outputs to Fire Protection Equipment (FPE), Fire Alarm Routing
Equipment (FRE) and Zonal Relays .
Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FRE)
The FRE output is designed to activate during a fire event and
is connected to phone diallers and/or Building Management
Systems . When the FRE option board is fitted SW12-1 dip switch
is set to Fitted . See
Battery Connections on page 16
. The
output complies with EN54-2 clause:
7 .9 .1 Outputs to fire alarm routing equipment (option with
Fire Protection Equipment (FPE)
The FPE output is designed to activate during a fire event and
when connected to external devices drive door release mecha-
nisms, fire screens, sprinkler systems, and gas release systems .
When FPE option board fitted SW12-1 dip switch is set to Fitted .
The output complies with EN54-2 clause:
7 .10 .1 Outputs to fire protection equipment (Type A)
Zonal Relay Contacts
Zonal relay contacts are volt free and do not provide any voltage .
The relays are selectable to be either set to C/NO or C/NC . The
zonal relays are designed to follow the fire condition of the associ-
ated zone circuit on the Main board .
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= 0 repeaters found
= 1 repeater found
= 2 repeaters found
= 3 repeaters found
Figure 11. Repeater Panel connection