Amended: Jan 2014
Replace Device.
The replace device function is used to change faulty equipment without the need to change text or
zone allocation.
The faulty component is changed and then the replace device function selected, the loop and address
of the faulty device are inputted and the panel then scans the loop for address 254, when it receives a
reply the previously inputted address information is programmed on to the new device.
This function cannot be used if a diff
erent type of device is replacing the component. ‘Add/Delete’
device function must then be used.
Check Auto Config.
This function has two purposes, the first is to check that when a database has been downloaded the
transmitted data matches the device data on the loop and then it highlights any anomalies as device
unknown or device type mismatches.
The second is to pinpoint any o/c or s/c faults on the loop. The panel achieves this by electronically
disconnecting the return legs and interrogates the devices on the loop. If there is a break the panel
will go to fault stating the first device it cannot see beyond the break. This same function also
pinpoints short circuits in the same way, creating a fault beyond the point where an isolator has
A sounder delay is set up using site installer and is must be programmed on stage 1 of ‘Device
Outputs’. The maximum time is ten minutes and it can only be programmed in whole minutes.
When programming a delay on the panel sounder circuits the zones selected in the allocate devices
box trigger the delay. Whereas on the loop powered sounders and the sounder controller unit the
zones not selected will trigger the delay and the zones selected will operate the sounders
The above has been changed in V1.81.01 Display/V1.83.3 Loop so that the devices selected in the
list will trigger the delay and the devices not selected will have no effect.
The delay trigger can be by address, zone, panel or globally.
When selecting the trigger to be by address all the addresses have to be on the same loop and the
limit is sixteen.
When selecting the trigger to be by zone then the limit is sixteen zones, which must be on the same
When triggering a delay on the panel sounders by zone the limit is reduced to 8 zones. If no zones
are selected then the delay will be global.
When a delay has been set up (on a sounder or an I/O) the sounder fault and general disable
led’s will be illuminated permanently
Alternatively on later hardware/software versions the
‘Delay Active’ led will be illuminated.
A delay can be set up on the Sounder control unit and 3 Chan I/O in the same way as a loop powered
sounder, however,
only stage 1 of output 1 will accept the delay.
The other 3 sounder circuits or 2 relay channels WILL NOT accept a delay.