Amended: Jan 2014
Program Updates
Loop Driver
Loop Driver software can be updated using a Cyclone Pro programming device; alternatively to
update the software the loop driver will need replacing.
The display program can be updated using a utility program called Panel Prog or via the Site Installer
program. This can only be carried out in this manner on the latest display software releases (Aug 08).
Alternatively to update earlier versions of software the display micro will need replacing.
NOTE In all instances a download of the program will be required prior to any upgrade
The display program can be updated using the Panel Prog program and Hyperlink as follows;
1. Connect Laptop to the panel via the serial port.
2. Open HyperTerminal program and apply a name in the new connection box. Click OK
Select Com 1 in the ‘connect to’ box. Click OK
4. In the Comm 1 properties box set - 38400 baud, data bits 8, parity none, stop bits 1 and no
flow control.
5. Data will now start scrolling down the screen area.
FIG 55
6. In HyperTerminal, press ctrl-x, and then 'y' immediately. This will erase the current program in
the display micro.
7. Wait until the text "WAITING FOR PROGRAM" appears in HyperTerminal window.
8. Close HyperTerminal.
Run PanelProg.exe, and ensure the correct serial port is selected. (It normally defaults to
comm. 3)