Amended: Jan 2014
2. T1 & T2
Also contained within the above menu are T1 & T2, this feature to enables the user to acknowledge
an alarm and investigate the cause before the building is evacuated. (see Fig 3 )
T1 time delay is between 10secs and 3 min.
T2 time delay is between 1
– 10 mins.
If T1 is set to a delay this will delay the operation of ALL outputs or FRE only (selected in this menu)
until T1 time expires.
The sounder programming will then revert to the site installer program minus any programmed delays.
When T2 is set and silence alarms are operated before T1 expires, the delay set on T2 will start.
When this time expires the outputs will revert back to the site installer program plus any programmed
Both must be set if either is reqd.
Both of these delays can be overridden by the operation of a Callpoint or the input of an I/O. (this is
also selectable within the T1/T2 menu)
If Day/Night mode is selected, the first fire during night mode overrides T1 such that the outputs will
revert to site installer program minus any programmed delays.
If a Non Fire Input is used to set some cause and effect then this will also override T1/T2
When the delays are running during an alarm condition, a countdown timer is displayed on the
screen to indicate time remaining before operation of the outputs.
T1/T2 can also be switched on and off/on using the input side of an I/O or Callpoint programmed to
disable devices within the Site Installer input programming. (see page 18).