Q 10. Drill 1/16" holes, 9/16" deep, in the
leading edge of the elevators at the marked
locations. Make sure the two holes are perpendicular
to the leading edge. Be careful that the drill bit does
not break through the sides of the elevators.
Q 14. For a more secure fit, file or grind four or
five notches in each arm of the elevator joiner wire.
Thoroughly clean the joiner wire with isopropyi alcohol.
Q 15. Pack 30-minute epoxy into both elevator
joiner wire holes and in the groove on the leading
edge of the elevators. Install the joiner wire in both
elevators. Wipe off any excess epoxy with a paper
towel dampened with isopropyi alcohol. Before the
epoxy cures, place a piece of wax paper over the
joiner wire and pin the elevators flat to the building
board with the leading edge against the trailing
edge of the stabilizer.
Q 11. Cut a small groove from the hole to the
inboard end of the elevators. Gradually deepen the
groove until the joiner wire fits flush with the leading
edge of the elevators. With the elevator joiner wire
installed, the wire must be flush with the leading
edge of the elevators.
Q 12. With the joiner wire installed in the
elevators, place the assembly on a flat surface.
MAKE SURE both elevators lie flat. If they do not,
remove the joiner wire and twist it slightly. It is very
important that both elevators lie flat.
U 13. Remove the joiner wire. Mark a centerline
on the leading edge of both elevators and carefully
sand the leading edges to a "V shape as shown on
the fuselage plan.
Q 16. Remove the elevator and stabilizer from the
building board after the epoxy has cured.
1-J 17. Draw the outline for the tips on the stabilizer
and elevator using the plan as a pattern. Cut and
sand the stabilizer and elevator tips to shape.