Required Items ..............................................3
Suggested Building Supplies........................3-4
Optional Building Supplies...........................4
Building Notes.................................................4-5
Glossary of Terms Used in
This Manual and Plans..................................... 5-6
Die-Cut Patterns..................................................7
Build the Horizontal Stabilizer
and Elevator..................................................8-10
Install the Hinges .........................................10-11
Finish the Fin and Rudder..................................11
Build the Fuselage........................................11-15
Install the Hatch ...........................................15-16
Build the Wing Root Panel............................16-18
Build the Wing Tip Panel ..............................18-20
Final Wing Assembly ........................................20
Align the Stabilizer to the Wing .........................21
Balance the Model Laterally..............................2 1
Finishing .....................................................21-22
Final Assembly............................................22-23
Assemble the Pushrods ................................23-24
Install the Radio System ...............................24-25
Set the Control Throws ......................................26
Balance Your Model.....................................26-27
Charge the Batteries ....................................27
Ground Check Your Model...........................27
Range Check Your Model.............................28
Flying ...............................................................28
First Flight...................................................28
Congratulations on your choice of this kit for your
next project. If you are new to radio control
modeling, we would like to take a minute to give
you some background on the Wanderer.
The 72" version of the Wanderer was developed by
Mark Smith as a first-time building and flying
project. Since its introduction in 1975, over 85,000
kits have been produced. Over the years the
Wanderer has been updated with many changes
recommended to us by first-time builders. The
Wanderer still has the same basic aerodynamics as
the original kit, but has been simplified to make
assembly quicker and easier.
At Dynaflite we take pride in offering kits that are
simple and straightforward to build and provide
value for your modeling dollar.
To make your R/C modeling experience totally
enjoyable, we recommend that you get assistance
with your first flights from an experienced,
knowledgeable modeler. You'll learn faster and
avoid risk to your model before you're truly ready to
solo. Your local hobby shop has information about
flying clubs in your area whose membership
includes qualified instructors.
You can also contact the national Academy of
Model Aeronautics (AMA), which has more than
2/500 chartered clubs across the country. We
recommend you join the AMA, which will provide
you with insurance coverage at AMA club sites and
events. AMA Membership is required at chartered
club fields where qualified flight instructors are
available. Contact the AMA at the address or toll-
free phone number below:
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie,IN 47302
(800) 435-9262
Fax (765) 741 -0057
Internet address : http://www.modelaircraft.org