Qi Q 15. Glue the two remaining W-1 ribs/ the
three W-2 ribs and the five W-3 ribs in place/
perpendicular to the building board.
inboard end of the leading edge so that it butts
against the root panel leading edge. Place the W-11
rib in position and pin the leading edge in place,
but do not glue it to the root panel.
Q Q 16. Glue one of the previously cut 4-1/8"
long center sheets on top of the three W-1 ribs,
butted against the leading edge. Glue the second
center sheet on top of the three W-1 ribs, butted
against the first sheet. Use a piece of leftover center
sheeting from step 12 to finish sheeting the center
Ql t—1 3. Cut a bevel as shown on one end of the
1 /4" x 3/8" x 16" basswood tip spar.
Ql Q 4. Place the tip spar over the plan, bevel side
down. Place a pin at the inboard and outboard
ends of the spar to hold it in place. Use a clothes pin
or clamp to hold the tip spar against the main spar.
Q Q 5. Cut the polyhedral rib gauge template from
the plan and glue it to a piece of cardboard.
Q Q 1. Place the shaped 5/16" x 15/16" x 15"
balsa trailing edge over the wing tip plan. Trim the
inboard end of the trailing edge so that it butts
against the root panel trailing edge. Pin the trailing
edge in place but do not glue it to the root panel.
Q Q 2. Place the shaped 5/16" x 3/8" x 15"
balsa leading edge over the wing tip plan. Trim the
d Q 6. Use the polyhedral rib gauge to set the
angle of the W-4 root rib. Align the bottom edge of
the W-4 rib with the centerline on the plan. Glue the
rib to the tip spar and the leading and trailing edge.
Avoid gluing the rib to the main spar and the
leading and trailing edge of the root wing panel.