Hint: Reference the full-size fuse plan to help you
locate the proper balance point. This is the balance
point at which your model should balance for your
first flights. After initial trim flights and when you
become more acquainted with your Wanderer, you
may wish to experiment by shifting the balance up
to 3/16" [5 mm] forward or backward to change
its flying characteristics. Moving the balance
forward may improve the smoothness and stability,
but the model may become more difficult to slow for
landing. Moving the balance aft makes the model
more agile with a lighter, snappier "feel." In any
case, please start at the location we recommend. Do
not at any time balance your model outside the
recommended C.G. range.
3. Set the model on the balancer at the balance
point. If the tail drops, the model is "tail heavy" and
you must add weight to the nose to balance the
model. If the nose drops, it is "nose heavy" and you
must add weight to the tail to balance the model.
NOTE: Weight may be added by using Great Planes
(GPMQ4485) "stick-on" lead weights. Later, if the
balance is O.K., you can glue the weights inside the
fuselage permanently.
If possible, first attempt to balance the model by
changing the position of the receiver battery. If you
are unable to obtain good balance by doing so,
then it will be necessary to add weight to the nose
or tail to achieve the proper balance point.
Q 2. Attach the wing to the fuselage with six #64
rubber bands, two on each side running straight
across the wing and two crossing the wing to form
an "X". With the wing attached to the fuselage and
all parts of the model installed (ready to fly), hold
the model right side up with the stabilizer level. The
Great Planes CG Machine™ Balancer works great
for balancing the model.
At this time check all connections, including servo
horn screws, clevises and servo cords.
Follow the battery charging procedures in your
radio instruction manual. You should always charge
your transmitter and receiver batteries the night
before you go flying and at other times as
recommended by the radio manufacturer.
Inspect your radio installation and confirm that all
the control surfaces respond correctly to the
transmitter inputs. Make sure all screws remain tight
and the hinges are secure.