1. Unroll the plan sheet. Roll the plans inside out
to make them lie flat. Wax paper or Great Planes
Plan Protector placed over the plan will prevent
glue from sticking to the plan.
U 2. Cut an 18" long piece from the 3/16" x 15/16"
x 30" balsa stick. Pin the 18" long piece over the
horizontal stabilizer trailing edge.
LJ 6. From the remaining 3/16" x 15/16" balsa
stick, cut and fit stabilizer center sections between
the leading edges and trailing edge. Position the fin
between the two center sections for the proper
spacing. DO NOT glue the fin in position. Glue the
center sections to the leading and trailing edge.
Q 7. From a 3/16" x 3/16" x 24" balsa stick, cut/
fit and glue stabilizer ribs between the leading edge
and trailing edge. Also, cut a 1 /2" long piece and
glue it in position between the stabilizer center sections.
Q 3. Cut a 10" long piece from the remaining
3/16" x 15/16" x 12" balsa stick. Place the stick
over the left leading edge of the horizontal
stabilizer. Carefully mark and cut the end of the
leading edge to match the centerline of the
stabilizer. Pin the left leading edge piece in position.
Ul 4. Cut another 10" long piece from the second
3/16" x 15/16" x 30" balsa stick. Place the stick
over the right leading edge of the horizontal
stabilizer and cut the end of the right leading edge
to butt tightly against the center of the left leading
edge. Pin the right leading edge piece in position
and glue it to the left leading edge.
I—l 8. Pin the two shaped balsa elevators in position
over the plans, making sure the beveled ends are
toward the center.
Q 5. From the remaining 3/16" x 15/16" x 20"
balsa stick, cut, fit and glue stabilizer tips between
the leading and trailing edges.
Q 9. Center the pre-bent 1/16" elevator joiner
wire on the elevators and mark the location of the
"arms" on the leading edge of the elevators.