a 21. Test fit the two 1/4" x 1/2" x 2-1/4"
basswood tow hook blocks in the notches of the
plywood fuselage doubler. When you're satisfied
with the fit, glue the blocks to the fuselage sides and
doublers with aliphatic resin or 6-minute epoxy.
After the epoxy cures, drill a 3 / 3 2 " hole in the
center of both blocks.
Q 22. Lightly sand the bottom of the fuselage so
that the plywood fuselage doublers and formers are
flush with the balsa fuselage sides.
Q 23. Sheet the bottom front of the fuselage with
the three 3/16" x 2-1/2" x 3" balsa bottom
forward sheets. Start at the middle of the front tow
hook block and work toward former F-1. The balsa
sheets are installed with the grain running across the
fuselage. Wetting the top of the sheets with a 50-50
mix of water and isopropyi alcohol will make the
sheets easier to mold to the fuselage contour. Use a
leftover piece of 3/16" balsa from the stabilizer to
fill the gap between the third sheet and former F-1.
Sand the sheets flush with the balsa fuselage sides.
Q 24. From the 1/8" x 1/4" x 10" balsa stick, cut
and glue the bottom cross brace between the
fuselage sides, flush with the bottom edge. Glue the
1/4" x 3/8" x 1" balsa end cap to the tail post,
flush with the fuselage sides.
Q 25. Use thick CA to glue the 3/32" x 3" x 30"
balsa aft fuselage bottom to the edge of the 3/16"
bottom fuselage sheet, the tow hook blocks and the
fuselage sides.
Q 26. After the glue has cured, remove the
fuselage from your building board. Starting at the
tow hook blocks, trim the aft fuselage bottom to
within 1/16" of the fuselage sides. Do not attempt
to trim the fuselage bottom from the tail post
forward. The wood may split or your knife may cut
into the fuselage sides. Save the leftover aft fuselage
bottom sheeting.
—1 27. Sand the fuselage bottom flush with the
fuselage sides.
Q 28. From the leftover 1/8" x 1/4" balsa stick,
cut and glue a top cross brace in front of the
stabilizer base, flush with the top edge of the
fuselage sides.