overhang the wing plan slightly. Also/ the 90° edge
on the trailing edge goes against the building
board. See the cross section on the left wing plan.
U U 6. Using a W-3 rib as a spacer/ pin the
shaped 5/16" x 3/8" x 24" balsa leading edge
over the plan. Note that the angled edge of the
leading edge faces up and the tip end is aligned
with rib W-4.
Q Q 9. Pin the 1/4" x 3/8" x 10" basswood root
spar in position.
Q Q 10. Place the W-2 inboard and W-3 outboard
ribs in position to check the alignment of the main
and root spars.
Q 11. Cut two center sheets 4-1/8" long from
each of the five 1/16" x 3" x 9" balsa sheets. Set
five of these sheets aside. They will be used on the
left wing panel.
Q Q 7. Cut a bevel as shown on one end of the
1/4" x 1/2" x 24" basswood main spar.
LJ U 8. Pin the main spar over the plan with the
beveled edge down and at the tip end. Align the tip
end with the plan using a T-pin at the tip end to
prevent the main spar from moving.
U LJ 12. Trim one of the center sheets to fit between
the leading edge and the main spar. Make sure the
spar/ leading edge and center sheet are against the
building board before gluing. Trim and glue the
second center sheet between the main spar and root
spar and the third center sheet between the root spar
and trailing edge. Save the leftover balsa sheet for
use in step 16 when sheeting the top center section.
U U 13. Cut the root rib dihedral template from the
plan and glue it to a piece of cardboard.
QQ14. Use the root rib gauge to set the
the W-1 root rib. Align the bottom edge of
rib with the centerline on the plan.
angle of
the W-1