Ql Q 19. Use a sanding bar to carefully sand the
top and bottom of the wing ribs, spars, center
sheeting and leading and trailing edges flush. Do
not alter the shape of the ribs while sanding.
Q Q 20. Trim the four die-cut 3/32" x 1/2" x
1 /2" balsa gussets to fit on both sides of rib W-4 at
the leading and trailing edge. When satisfied with
the fit/ glue them in place.
Q 4. Handle wing with care. The center section has
little strength at this point.
U 5. Draw a line on the top and bottom of the wing
1" on each side of the center joint.
Q 21. Go back to step 5 of Build The Wing Root
Pane/and build the left wing.
Q 1. Now that both wing halves are assembled,
give them a final sanding with #400-grit sandpaper.
Use a shop vacuum or compressed air to remove the
sanding dust from the wing panels.
U 2. Pin or weigh down the root panel of the left
wing. With the right wing panel elevated 3-1/4" at
rib W-4, test fit the right wing panel against the left
wing panel. If needed, lightly sand the root ribs of
the wing panels to fit.
Q 3. When satisfied with the fit, use aliphatic resin
or 30-minute epoxy to glue the wing panels
together. Support the right wing panel at rib W-4
and pin the root ribs together. Allow the epoxy to
fully cure before removing the wing from the building
1—1 6. Read this step completely before starting. In a
well ventilated area, prop the wing up off of the
building surface. Mix approximately 5 oz. of
30-minute epoxy following the manufacturer's
instructions. Brush a thin coat of epoxy on the center
joint between the previously drawn lines. Starting at
the trailing edge, lay the 2" fiberglass cloth on the
epoxy. Use your brush to work the cloth into the
epoxy, making sure the epoxy penetrates into the
cloth. Work your way along the top of the wing,
wrapping the cloth around the leading edge and
working back toward the trailing edge on the
bottom of the wing. If the epoxy has not come
through the cloth, apply more epoxy to the area. Do
not allow the epoxy to run or puddle, as this just
adds weight, not strength. Allow the epoxy to fully
cure before moving the wing.
U 7. After the epoxy cures, sand off any surplus
epoxy and rough edges. Trim the cloth that is
overhanging at the trailing edge flush with the
trailing edge of the wing.