Whenever you go to the flying field, check the
operational range of the radio before the first flight
of the day. First, make sure no one else is on your
frequency (channel). With your transmitter on and
the antenna collapsed you should be able to walk at
least 100 feet away from the model and still have
control. While you work the controls, have a helper
stand by your model and tell you what the control
surfaces are doing. If the control surfaces are not
always responding correctly, do not fly! Find and
correct the problem first. Look for loose servo
connections or corrosion, a defective on/off switch,
low battery voltage or a defective receiver battery, a
damaged receiver antenna, or a receiver crystal that
may have been damaged from a previous crash.
We recommend that if you have never previously
flown an R/C airplane, you find an experienced
sailplane pilot. An experienced pilot will be able to
help you get the Wanderer trimmed properly and to
help you with your first few flights. If you cannot
locate an experienced pilot, we recommend that you
gently hand launch the Wanderer a few times to get
the sailplane trimmed out for a smooth glide. Get
the feel of the controls. Try to avoid using the rudder.
At this low of an altitude the wing tips may catch the
ground and damage the Wanderer. After you are
comfortable with the controls, you can then move up
to a hi-start launch.
We recommend that you take it easy with your
Wanderer for the first several flights, gradually
"getting acquainted" with this great model.
When it's time to land, fly a normal rectangular
landing pattern with your final approach directly
into the wind. For your first few landings/ plan to
land slightly faster than stall speed.
Have a ball! But always remember to think about
your next move and plan each maneuver before you
do it. Impulsively "jamming the sticks" without any
thought is what gets most fliers in trouble, not lack of
flying skill. Happy Landings!
DYFP8301 (Standard) .
DYFP8302 (Heavy-Duty)
• Compact power for high-altitude launches.
• Complete systems for 2-meter and unlimited class
A Dynaflite Hi-Start and 800' of clear launch area are
all you need to send your sailplane rocketing up to 500'
in the air! Easy to lay out and retrieve, Hi-Starts include
everything required for sailplane launches: 100' of UV-
stabilized surgical tubing, injection-molded reel,
parachute, steel stake and tow ring, and nylon tow line.
Standard Hi-Start with 1/8" diameter tubing offers
strong, steady power for 2-meter sailplanes. Heavy-Duty
Hi-Start with 3/16" diameter tubing provides the launch
power needed for sailplanes spanning 100" or more.