end of the wing tip. While holding the wing leading
edge and trailing edge at rib W-4 firmly against the
flat surface, shrink the covering. This will put a slight
twist in the wing called "washout." This washout will
help prevent tip stalls when flying.
After all the covering on the wing is shrunk, iron the
covering to each wing rib.
LJ 1. Center and glue the two 3-3/4" wing hold
down dowels in the fuselage.
U 2. Set the wing on the fuselage and secure it to
the fuselage by hooking a couple of rubber bands
(not included) over the forward dowel, stretching the
rubber bands over the wing and hooking them over
the aft dowel. Again, set the stabilizer in the
stabilizer saddle. Check the alignment of the
stabilizer with the wing from the front and rear of
the model. Use a tape measure to set the stabilizer
tips equal distance from the nose.
U 3. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the stabilizer in
position on the fuselage, rechecking the alignment
before the epoxy cures.
Q 4. Remove the covering from the bottom 3/16"
of the fin. Be very careful not to cut into the fin. Test
fit the fin in the slot at the aft end of the stabilizer.
The trailing edge of the fin should be flush with the
trailing edge of the stabilizer. When satisfied with
the fit, glue the fin to the stabilizer with 30-minute
epoxy or aliphatic resin. Make sure the fin is 90° to
the stabilizer. Masking tape and T-pins can be used
to hold it in place while the epoxy cures.
5. Cut and shape the 3/32" x 1/4" x 10-3/4"
basswood nose and tail skid. Bevel the forward
face of the nose skid before gluing it on. Place the
skids in position and mark the outline of the skids on
the fuselage. Carefully remove the covering from
inside the outline. Glue the skids on the fuselage
with thick CA. The skids may be varnished or
painted after installation.
d 6. Starting with the elevators and stab/ cut the
covering from the hinge slots.
The most common mistake made by modelers when
installing a CA type of hinge is not applying a
sufficient amount of glue to fully secure the hinge
over its entire surface area; or, the hinge slots are
very tight, restricting the flow of CA to the back of
the hinges. This results in hinges that are only "tack
glued" approximately 1/8" to 1/4" into the hinge
slots. The following technique has been developed to
help ensure thorough and secure gluing.
1 7. It is best to leave a very slight hinge gap,
rather than closing it up tight, to help prevent the
CA from wicking along the hinge line. Make sure
the control surfaces will deflect to the recommended
throws without binding. If you have cut your hinge
slots too deep, the hinges may slide in too far,