1. You must assemble the sailplane according to the
instructions. Do not alter or modify the model, as
doing so may result in an unsafe or unflyable model.
In a few cases the instructions may differ slightly
from the photos or plan. In those instances the text
should be taken as correct.
2. You must take time to build straight, true and strong.
3. You must install all R/C and other components so
that the model operates properly on the ground and
in the air.
4. You must test the operation of the model before
the first and each successive flight to insure that all
equipment operates correctly. You must also make
certain that the model has remained structurally
sound, especially after a rough landing.
These are the items not included with your kit; you
will need to purchase them separately. Items in
parentheses (GPMQ4243) are suggested part
numbers recognized by distributors and hobby
shops and are listed for your ordering convenience.
GPM is the Great Planes® brand, TOP is the Top
Flite® brand, HCA is the Hobbico® brand and DYN
is the Dynaflite™ brand.
2 - 4 channel radio with two standard servos.
Top Flite MonoKote® (Approximately 2 rolls)
1/4" Latex Foam Rubber (HCAQ1050)
Switch and Charge Jack (GPMM1000)
2 Meter Up-Start (DYNP8305) or Standard
NOTE: We, as the kit manufacturer, provide you
with a quality kit and great instructions, but
ultimately the quality and flyability of your
finished model depends on how you assembled it;
therefore, we cannot in any way guarantee the
performance of your completed model and no
representations are expressed or implied as to the
performance or safety of your completed model.
We recommend Great Planes Pro™ CA and Epoxy
Please inventory and inspect all parts carefully
before starting to build. If any parts are missing,
broken or defective, or if you have any questions
about building or flying this model, please call us
at (217) 398-8970 and we'll be glad to help. If
you are calling for replacement parts, please
look up the part numbers and have them ready
when calling.
2 oz. Pro CA (Thin, GPMR6003)
1 oz. Pro CA- (Thick, GPMR6014)
6-Minute Pro Epoxy (GPMR6045)
30-Minute Pro Epoxy (GPMR6047)
4 oz. Pro Wood Glue (GPMR6161)
Hand or electric drill
Sealing Iron (TOPR2100)
Hobby saw