Section 2: Getting Started
The following sections provide a thorough description of how
to wire and configure devices and zones.
Installation Steps
Read this section completely before you begin. Once you
have an overall understanding of the installation process,
carefully work through each step.
Step 1: Create a Layout
Draw a rough sketch of the building to get an idea of where all
alarm detection devices, keypads and other modules are to
be located.
Step 2: Mounting the Panel
Mount the panel in a dry area close to an unswitched AC
power source and the incoming telephone line. Before attach-
ing the cabinet to the wall, be sure to press the four circuit
board mounting studs into the cabinet from the back.
You must complete all wiring before connecting the bat-
tery, or applying AC to the panel.
Step 3: Wiring the Keybus (Section 2.3)
Wire the Keybus to each of the modules following the guide-
lines provided in Section 2.3 of this manual.
Step 4: Zone Wiring (Section 2.8)
You must power down the control panel to complete all zone
wiring. Please refer to 2.11
“Zone Wiring”
when connecting
zones using normally closed loops, single EOL resistors, dou-
ble EOL resistors, Fire zones and Keyswitch Arming zones.
Step 5: Complete Wiring (Section 2.2)
Complete all other wiring including bells or sirens, telephone
line connections, and ground connections following the guide-
lines provided in Section 2.2 (“Terminal Descriptions”).
Step 6: Power up the Control
Once all zone and Keybus wiring is complete, power up the
control panel. First, connect the red battery lead to the posi-
tive terminal and the black lead to negative. Then, connect the
Connect the battery before connecting the AC. You
must apply AC power to the panel for at least 10 seconds, or
the panel will not function. The panel will not power up on the
battery connection alone.
Step 7: Keypad Assignment (Section 2.6)
In order for keypads to be properly supervised, each must be
assigned to a different slot. Please follow the guidelines pro-
vided in Section 2.5 when assigning keypads.
Step 8: Supervision (Section 2.7)
The supervision of each module by the panel is automatically
enabled upon power up. Please verify that all modules appear
on the system according to the instructions in Section 2.6.
Step 9: Programming the System (Sections 4 & 5)
Section 4 explains how to program the panel. Section 5 con-
tains a complete description of the various programmable fea-
tures, which options are available and how they function. Fill
out the Programming Worksheets completely before attempt-
ing to program the system.
Step 10: Testing the System
Test the panel thoroughly to ensure that all features and func-
tions are operating as programmed.
Terminal Descriptions
Battery Connection
A 12V 4Ah rechargeable battery is used as a backup source
of power in the event of an AC power failure. The battery also
provides additional current when the panel’s demands exceed
the power output of the transformer, such as when the panel is
in alarm.
Do not connect the battery until all other wiring is com-
plete. Connect the battery before connecting the AC.
Connect the RED battery lead to the positive battery terminal;
connect the BLACK lead to negative.
AC Terminals – AC
The panel requires a 16.5V
, 40VA transformer. Connect the
transformer to an unswitched AC source and connect the
transformer to these terminals.
Do not connect the transformer until all other wiring is
Auxiliary Power Terminals – AUX+ and AUX-
These terminals provide up to 550 mA of additional current at
12 V
for devices requiring power. Connect the positive side
of any device requiring power to the AUX+ terminal, the nega-
tive side to AUX- (ground). The AUX output is protected. This
means that if too much current is drawn from these terminals
(such as a wiring short), the panel will temporarily shut off the
output until the problem is corrected.
Bell Output Terminals – BELL+ and BELL-
These terminals provide up to 700 mA of continuous current at
12 V
for powering bells, sirens, strobes, etc. Connect the
positive side of any alarm warning device to BELL+, the nega-
tive side to BELL–. Please note that the bell output is pro-
tected: if too much current is drawn from these terminals (such
as a wiring short), the bell PTC will open. Three Amps can be
drawn for short periods only.
The bell output is supervised. If no alarm warning devices are
in use, connect a 1000
resistor across BELL+ and BELL– to
prevent the panel from displaying a trouble condition. For
more information, please refer to
“[*][2] Trouble Display”
For UL installations, when a bell or
siren is used for fire signaling with a
pulsed cadence, it must be con-
nected between the AUX+ and
BELL- terminals. To maintain bell cir-
cuit supervision, do not connect
more than one device to the bell ter-
minal. A fire bell or siren used for
this application must be UL Listed and have a current con-
sumption of 700mA or less (e.g., Wheelock MT-12/24-R).
Keybus Terminals – AUX+, AUX-, YEL, GRN
The Keybus is used by the panel to communicate with mod-
ules and vice versa. Each module has four Keybus terminals
that must be connected to the four Keybus terminals on the
panel. For more information, see section 2.4
“Keybus Opera-
tion & Wiring”