on any keypad. If
Bell Squawk on Trouble
is enabled (sec-
tion [014], option [5]), the bell will squawk every 10 seconds
when a trouble condition is present.
To view trouble conditions from an LED or a Fixed Mes-
sage LCD keypad:
1. Press [*][2].
2. The keypad will flash the Trouble light. The zone indicator
lights corresponding to the present trouble conditions will
be ON.
When using an LCD keypad, the trouble conditions will be
listed on the display. Use the arrow (< >) keys to scroll through
the list of present trouble conditions.
Troubles can be viewed while armed using the LCD
keypad, provided the keypad is version 2.0 or later. Older key-
pads will incorrectly display “Fire Trouble”. If using older LCD
keypads, programming section [013], option [3] as OFF will
ensure troubles are displayed correctly.
The various troubles are described below:
[*][3] Alarm Memory
The Memory light will be on if any alarm occurred during the
last armed period or – in the case of 24 hour zones – if an
alarm occurred while the panel was disarmed.
To view alarm memory, press [*][3]. The keypad will flash the
Memory light and the zone indicator lights corresponding to
the alarm or tamper conditions which occurred during or since
the last armed period. To clear the Memory light, arm and dis-
arm the system.
[*][4] Door Chime On/Off
The door chime feature is used to sound a tone from the key-
pad whenever a zone programmed as a chime zone is acti-
Service Required:
Press [1] to determine the specific trouble. Lights 1 - 8 will light up to indicate the trouble:
• Light [1] Low Battery: Main panel backup battery charge is low (below 11.5 volts under load). Trouble is restored
when the battery charges over 12.5 volts.
• Light [2] Bell Circuit Trouble: The bell circuit is open (see section 5.13
• Light [3] General System Trouble: The PC5204 Power Supply module has an AUX failure, PC5204 Output #1 Trouble,
Home Automation Trouble, or a printer connected to the PC5400 Printer module has a fault and is off-line.
• Light [4] General System Tamper: Tamper has been detected in a module.
• Light [5] General System Supervisory: The panel has lost communication with a module connected to the Keybus
(see section 2.7
). The event buffer will log the event.
All tamper conditions must be physically restored before the trouble condition will clear.
• Light [6] – Not used
• Light [7] PC5204 Low Battery: The PC5204 module has a low backup battery.
• Light [8] PC5204 AC Failure: The PC5204 module has lost AC power.
If you remove and then restore power to the main panel in order to service any PC5204 module, or
any module being powered by a PC5204, you must also remove and then restore power to the PC5204 and
any connected modules. This ensures that any troubles present on the module are correctly logged and/or
AC Failure:
AC power is no longer being supplied to the control panel. The Trouble light will flash if an AC Failure is
present, if the
Trouble Light Flashes if AC Fails
option is programmed (section [016], option [2]). This trouble will not
be displayed if the
AC Trouble Displayed
option is disabled (section [016], option [1]). See section 5.8
tor – Reporting Codes”
for information on AC trouble reporting.
Telephone Line Monitoring Trouble (TLM):
There is a problem with the telephone line (See section 5.12
phone Line Monitor (TLM)”
Failure to Communicate (FTC):
The communicator failed to communicate with any of the programmed telephone
numbers (see section 5.5
“Communicator – Dialing”
Zone Fault (including Fire Zone):
A zone on the system is experiencing trouble, meaning that a zone could not
transmit an alarm to the panel if required to do so (e.g., a fire zone is open, or there is a short on a DEOL zone, or a
supervisory fault on a wireless zone). When a zone fault trouble condition occurs, the keypad(s) on the system will start
to beep. Press [5] while in Trouble mode to view the affected zones.
A Fire zone trouble will be generated and displayed in the armed state.
Zone Tamper:
A zone configured for double end of line resistor supervision has a tamper condition, or the tamper switch
is open on a wireless device. When a tamper condition occurs, the keypad(s) will start to beep. Press [6] while in the Trou-
ble mode to view the affected zones. If a zone is tampered or faulted, it must be fully restored to clear the trouble.
By enabling
Tampers/Faults Do Not Show as Open
in section [013], option [4], Faults and
Tampers will not show as open on the keypad, and will be hidden from the end user. If the option is disabled,
Faults and Tampers will be displayed on the keypad
Once a zone is tampered or faulted, it must be completely restored before the trouble condition will
Device Low Battery:
A wireless device has a low battery condition. Press [7] one, two, or three times to view which
devices are experiencing battery failure. An LED keypad will indicate battery failure using zone lights 1 to 8. The follow-
ing will occur:
Keypad beeps: Keypad displays:
Press [7]
Zones with low batteries (LED keypad - zone lights 1 to 32)
Press [7] again
Handheld keypads with low batteries (LED keypad - zone lights 1 to 4)
Press [7] again
Wireless keys with low batteries (LED keypad - zone lights 1 to 8)
To view the battery conditions of wireless keys 9 through 16, you must use an LCD keypad.
Loss of System Time:
When the panel is powered up, the internal clock needs to be set to the correct time. This
trouble is cleared when an attempt is made to reset the clock.