P r o g r a m D e s c r i p t i o n s :
5 . 1 0 D o w n l o a d i n g
generated if the panel detects a busy tone on all dialing
attempts, or if no dial tone is detected on all dialing attempts.
The pager format will not cause any form of ringback.
The Pager format cannot be used with the LINKS1000
cellular communicator.
Do not use the hex digit C in a reporting code when
using Pager format. In most cases, the hex digit C will be inter-
preted as a [#], which will terminate the page before it has fin-
If the panel detects a busy signal, it will attempt to page
again. It will make the maximum number of attempts pro-
grammed in section [160].
Force dialing should be disabled when using Pager for-
When using Pager format, you must program two hex
digit Es at the end of the telephone number.
5.10 Downloading
The required downloading software is DLS-3 v1.3 and higher.
Downloading allows you to program the entire control panel
via a computer, a modem and a telephone line. All functions,
features, their changes and status – such as trouble condi-
tions and open zones – can be viewed or programmed
through downloading.
Downloading is always enabled for six hours each time
the panel is powered up, unless the
User Can Enable DLS
option is disabled.
The panel will answer calls for downloading when the pro-
Number of Rings
is heard by the panel.
If the
Answering Machine/Double Call
option is enabled (or
during the first six hours after power up), the panel will answer
incoming calls for downloading in the following manner:
1. The panel hears one or two rings, then misses a ring.
2. At this point the panel will start a the double-call timer.
3. If the panel hears another ring before the
Machine Double-Call Timer
expires, it will answer on the
first ring of the second call.
The panel will immediately go on-line and begin downloading.
If the
option is enabled, the panel and the com-
puter will both hang up. The panel will then call the
loading Computer’s Telephone Number
and wait for the
computer to answer. Once the computer answers, download-
ing will begin.
If the
User Enabled DLS Window
option is ON, the user can
activate the downloading feature by entering [*][6][Master
If the
User-Initiated Call-Up
option is enabled, the user can
have the panel initiate a call to the downloading computer by
pressing [*][6][Master Code][6].
Download Access Code
Panel Identifier Code
for security and proper identification. These codes must be
the same in both the panel and the computer file before
attempting to download.
The time to complete a successful download can be signifi-
cantly reduced with the use of the PC-Link module. This adap-
tor makes it possible to perform on-site downloading. To
initiate local Downloading via PC-Link
, enter
[*][8][Installer’s Code][499][Installer’s Code][499]. All key-
pads will be busy for the duration of the PC-Link connection.
The status LEDs will display the current system status on the
keypad where the PC-Link was initiated. For more information
on connecting the PC-Link, refer to your “PC-Link Download
Kit Instruction Sheet”.
When a zone status upload is performed through PC-
Link, the information uploaded may not be accurate. For more
information, refer to your DLS-3 manual.
Downloading can also be performed through the LINKS1000
cellular communicator if the telephone line is disconnected. If
using the LINKS1000 with call-back, you need to program the
LINKS1000 Preamble
with the downloading telephone num-
ber in order for the panel to call the computer correctly.
When uploading labels from LCD keypads, only labels
from the LCD keypad assigned to slot 8 will be uploaded.
Answering Machine/Double Call . . . . . . . .Section [401]: [1]
User Enable DLS Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [401]: [2]
Call-Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [401]: [3]
User-initiated Call-up Enabled/Disabled . . .Section [401]: [4]
Downloading Computer’s Telephone Number . Section [402]
Downloading Access Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [403]
Panel Identification Code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [404]
Answering Machine Double Call Timer . . . . . . Section [405]
Number of Rings to Answer On . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [406]
LINKS1000 Preamble (Downloading) . . . . . . . . Section [490]
Initiate Local Downloading (PC-Link) . . . . . . . . Section [499]
5.11 PGM Output Options
Program the programmable outputs by selecting one of the
output options listed below (exceptions noted).
Main Board PGM Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [009]
PC5208 PGM Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [010]
PC5204 PGM Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [011]
PGM outputs cannot be completely disabled in
installer’s programming. To disable a PGM output completely,
you must remove all wiring from the output.
[01] Burglary and Fire Bell Output
The output will activate when the alarm output is active and
will deactivate when the alarm output is silenced. If the alarm
output is pulsing, the PGM output will pulse as well. This out-
put will follow the activation of the alarm output (pre-alert) for
delayed fire zones.
[02] For Future Use
[03] Sensor Reset ([*][7][2])
This output will normally be active (switched to ground).
This option is used to reset power for latching smoke detec-
tors. The output will deactivate for five seconds when the
[*][7][2] command is entered. (see
“[*][7] Command Output
) The keypad buzzer will not sound for the five sec-
ond period.
Please refer to the Control Panel Wiring Diagram in this man-
ual for wiring instructions.
Only ONE of Options [03] Sensor Reset, [04] 2-Wire
Smoke, and [20] [*][7][2] Command Output Option #2 may be
programmed on the same system.
[04] 2-Wire Smoke (PGM2 only)
When this option is selected, the PGM functions much like
option [03] in that it is a normally low output supplying the
negative return. However, 2-wire smoke detectors can be sup-
ported, meaning that a zone input need not be used. The 2-
wire smoke detector input is an instant and latching alarm.
This input does not follow swinger shutdown.
2-wire smoke is available on 50/300 versions only.