P r o g r a m D e s c r i p t i o n s :
5 . 3 Z o n e A t t r i b u t e s
A violated Fire zone will be displayed on all keypads and can
be delayed at any keypad. Typically this zone is used for
latching smoke detectors.
[08] Standard 24 Hour Fire Zone
Do not wire Fire zones on keypad zone terminals if the
DEOL supervision option is enabled for the panel (section
[013], Option [2]).
When this zone is violated, the panel will immediately latch the
alarm output and communicate to the central station. The
alarm will sound until the Bell Cutoff time expires (Section
[005] “System Times”), or until a code is entered. (see
A violated Fire zone will be displayed on all keypads. Typically
this zone is used for pull stations.
[09] 24 Hour Supervisory Zone
If this zone is violated when the system is either armed or dis-
armed, the panel will report to the central station, and will log
the zone alarm to the event buffer. This zone gives a silent
alarm by default.
Do not wire 24-Hour Supervisory zones on keypad
zone terminals.
[10] 24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer Zone
If this zone is violated when the system is either armed or dis-
armed, the panel will immediately latch the keypad buzzer
until a valid access code is entered and will immediately com-
municate to the central station.
[11] 24 Hour Burglary Zone
If this zone is violated when the system is either armed or dis-
armed, the panel will immediately latch the alarm output and
communicate to the central station. The alarm will sound until
the Bell Cutoff time expires (Section [005] “System Times”), or
until a code is entered. (see 5.13
[12] - [20]
The following zone definitions operate similar to the 24 Hour
Burglary except for the System Event output type and the SIA
[12] 24 Hour Holdup Zone
- This zone gives a silent alarm by
[13] 24 Hour Gas Zone
[14] 24 Hour Heating Zone (N/C zone)
[15] 24 Hour Medical Zone
[16] 24 Hour Panic Zone
[17] 24 Hour Non-Medical Emergency Zone
[18] 24 Hour Sprinkler Zone
[19] 24 Hour Water Flow Zone
[20] 24 Hour Freezer Zone
[21] 24 Hour Latching Tamper
If this zone is violated, the installer must enter Installer’s Pro-
gramming before the system can be armed.
Wireless zones should not be programmed as zone
types [22] - [24].
[22] Momentary Keyswitch Arm Zone
Momentary violation of this zone will alternately arm/disarm
the system.
[23] Maintained Keyswitch Arm Zone
When this zone is violated, the system will arm. When this
zone is secured, the system will disarm.
[24] LINKS Answer Zone
Downloading can be performed via the LINKS1000 Cellular
Communicator (if used) when the conventional telephone line
is disconnected. If this operation is desired, connect the RING
terminal of the LINKS1000 to a LINKS Answer zone. (see
“LINKS Zone Wiring”
) Refer to the LINKS1000 Installation
Manual for more information.
Do not wire LINKS Answer zones on keypad zone ter-
[25] Interior Delay Zone
This zone type is normally used with motion detectors and has
a standard exit delay time.
If the panel is Away armed (a delay zone is violated during the
exit delay, or the Away function key is used), the Interior Delay
zone will work the same as the Interior zone [04].
If the panel is Stay armed (a delay zone is NOT violated dur-
ing the exit delay, the Stay key is used, or [*][9] is used for
arming), a violation of the zone will initiate Entry Delay 1.
[87] Delayed 24 Hour Fire (Wireless)
This zone type operates the same as [07] Delayed 24 Hour
Fire Zone and must be used if the smoke detector is wireless.
[88] Standard 24 Hour Fire (Wireless)
This zone type operates the same as [08] Standard 24 Hour
Fire Zone and must be used if the smoke detector is wireless.
Zone Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [001]
Zone Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [202]
Zone Attributes
All zones, with the exception of 24 Hour and Fire, will
provide an exit delay.
Do not change the attributes for Fire Zones from the
default settings.
Additional zone attributes can be programmed to customize
the operation of a zone for a specific application. The follow-
ing attributes are programmable for each zone:
Audible / Silent
– This attribute determines whether or not
the zone will activate the alarm output.
Pulsed / Steady
– This attribute determines whether the
alarm output will be steady or will pulse on and off every
Activate Chime
– This attribute determines whether or not
the zone will activate the chime feature. (see
“[*][4] Door
Chime On/Off”
Bypass Enable
– This attribute determines whether or not
the zone can be manually bypassed. (see
“[*][1] Bypass-
ing and Activating Stay/Away Zones”
Force Arm Enable
– This attribute determines whether or
not the system can be armed while a zone is violated. At
the end of the exit delay, if this type of zone is violated, it
will be ignored by the panel. Once the zone is secured, it
will be monitored by the system. This zone attribute, for
example, will allow the user to arm the system with the
garage door open. Later, when the door is closed, it will be
armed along with the rest of the system.
Do not program
this attribute for 24Hr zones.
The Force Arm attribute is not recommended for UL
Swinger Shutdown Enable
– This attribute determines
whether or not the panel will shut down the communicator
and bell for a zone once its swinger limit has been reached
(see 5.19
“Swinger Shutdown”
Transmission Delay Enable
– This attribute determines
whether or not the panel will delay communicating the
alarm reporting code for the programmed Transmission
Delay Period (see 5.15
“Transmission Delay”
Wireless Zone
– This attribute determines which zones
are to have wireless devices. This allows the panel to gen-