2.12 LINKS Zone Wiring
LINKS Support
When using the LINKS1000
cellular communicator, con-
nect the LINKS to the main
panel according to the fol-
lowing diagram:
LINKS Supervision (24 Hour Supervisory)
When using the
LINKS1000 cellular com-
municator, any main board
zone may be configured
for LINKS supervision. Pro-
gram this zone as zone
type [09], 24 hour supervi-
sory in section [001].
With a LINKS supervisory
zone, if the LINKS1000
experiences a trouble, the
zone will be violated, caus-
ing the panel to report the event to the central station. This
type of zone always requires a single EOL resistor (5600
Wire this zone according to the above diagram.
LINKS Answer
When using the LINKS1000
cellular communicator, any
main board zone may be
configured for LINKS
A zone configured for
LINKS Answer allows down-
loading to be performed in
the event of telephone line
failure. When the LINKS
receives a telephone call, it
will activate the RING termi-
nal on the LINKS circuit board. The zone programmed as
LINKS Answer always requires a single EOL resistor (5600
Wire the LINKS Answer zone according to the above diagram.
The LINKS Answer zone is only required for download-
ing to the panel via the LINKS.
When using the LINKS, Busy Tone Detection must not
be used.
Keypad zones cannot be used for 24 hour supervisory
or LINKS Answer.
2.13 Keypad Zones
Each ‘Z’ keypad on the system has a zone input to which a
device - such as a door contact - can be connected. This
eliminates the need to run wires back to the control panel for
every device.
To install the keypad, open the keypad plastic by removing the
screw at the bottom of the unit. Locate the five terminals on
the keypad circuit board. Connect the four Keybus wires from
the control panel: the red wire to R, the black to B, the yellow
to Y and the green to G.
To connect the zone, run one wire to the Z terminal and the
other to B. For powered devices, use red and black to supply
power to the device. Run the red wire to the R (positive) termi-
nal and the black wire to the B (negative) terminal.
When using end of line supervision, connect the zone accord-
ing to one of the configurations outlined in section
2.11 “Zone
. End of line resistors must be placed on the device
end of the loop, not at the keypad.
Keypad zones do not support DEOL resistors.
Only non 24-hr burglary type zones can be configured
as keypad zones for UL Listed products.
Assigning Keypad Zones
When using keypad zone inputs, each input used must be
assigned a zone number in installer programming.
First, ensure that you have enrolled all installed keypads into
the desired slots. (see 2.6
“Keypad Assignment”
Next, enter programming section [020] to assign the zones.
There are eight programming locations in this section, one for
each keypad slot. Enter a 2-digit zone number for each of the
keypad zones. This number must be entered in the location
corresponding to the keypad to which each zone is con-
: The zone on an LCD5500Z keypad in slot 8 is to be
assigned zone 3. In section [020], scroll to option [8] and
enter (03).
Keypad zones 1-6 will replace zone terminals Z1-Z6 on
the control panel.
Once the keypad zones are assigned, you must also
program zone definitions and zone attributes. (See also 5.4
“Assigning Keypad Zones”
Keypad zones can only be used for household bur-
glary-initiated devices. Devices attached to keypad zones
should be placed as close as possible to the keypad, and must
be wired as EOL loops. The keypad zone must be tested