P r o g r a m D e s c r i p t i o n s :
5 . 1 2 T e l e p h o n e L i n e M o n i t o r ( T L M )
[18] Stay Armed Status
When the system is armed in the Stay mode, this PGM output
will activate at the beginning of the exit delay. The output
deactivates when the panel is disarmed.
[19] [*][7][1] Command Output Option #1
[20] [*][7][2] Command Output Option #2
[21] [*][7][3] Command Output Option #3
[22] [*][7][4] Command Output Option #4
These outputs are user-initiated by entering [*][7][1-4] at any
keypad. When any output is activated, three acknowledgment
beeps are sounded.
NOTES on Option [20] [*][7][2]:
Press [*][7][2][Access Code, if required] to activate any output
programmed as one of PGM output options [03], [04] or [20].
Traditionally, [*][7][2] has been reserved for resetting smoke
detectors. Smoke detectors should now be programmed as
output [03] ‘Sensor Reset’ or [04] ‘2-Wire Smoke’.
Only ONE of options [03] Sensor Reset, [04] 2-Wire
Smoke and [20] [*][7][2] Command Output Option #2 can be
programmed on the same system.
[23] Silent 24 Hour (PGM2 Only)
A Panic button can be placed on the PGM2 terminal for use as
a silent 24 hour Panic. The keypad will not indicate the alarm
in any way and the bell will remain silent but the PGM2 alarm
reporting code will be sent to the central station. PGM output
option [23] will not activate other programmable outputs of
any kind. This input does not follow swinger shutdown.
[24] Audible 24 Hour (PGM2 Only)
A Panic button may be placed on the PGM2 terminal for use
as an audible 24 hour Panic. When the button is pressed, LCD
keypads will indicate “System in Alarm”, the bell will sound
until the bell cut-off expires or until a valid access code is
entered, and the PGM2 alarm reporting code will be sent to
the central station. PGM output option [24] will not activate
other programmable outputs except for outputs programmed
as [01]. This input does not follow swinger shutdown.
PGM Output Attributes
In addition to programming the output type, you must also
program the PGM output attributes for each output.
PGM output options [09] ‘System Trouble’ and [10] ‘System
Event’ have their own unique set of attributes listed below the
description of each output type.
PGM output options [01], [03]-[08], [11]-[24] have the follow-
ing attributes:
Attribute.... ON
[1]....... PGM Enable
PGM Disable
[3]....... True Output
Inverted Output
Attribute ON: the output energizes when activated;
Attribute OFF: the output de-energizes when acti-
[4]....... Output Pulsed
Output ON/OFF
Attribute ON: the output will activate once for the
amount of time programmed in section [164]
when initiated by the user;
Attribute OFF: the output will toggle ON or OFF
when initiated by the user (only applicable to
options [19]-[22].)
[5]....... Access Code Req.
No code Req.
Attribute ON: the output requires a code for acti-
Attribute OFF: no code required (only applicable
to keypad-activated outputs).
PGM attributes return to their default settings when you
change PGM output options. Please see the Programming
Worksheets for a list of the default settings for each PGM out-
put type.
Be careful when selecting the normal and active states of
each PGM output to ensure that an undesirable output state
does not occur after a loss and restoral of AC power.
Attribute [3] must be ON (default) for PGM output
options [16], [23] and [24].
If you program more than one PGM output as the same
output type (e.g., if PGM1 and PGM2 are both programmed as
[19] Command Output 1), the settings for output attributes [1],
[2] and [5] must be the same. This does not apply to outputs
programmed as types [09] and [10].
PGM Output Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [141]-[154]
5.12 Telephone Line Monitor (TLM)
When the
TLM Enable
option is selected, the panel will super-
vise the telephone line and will indicate a trouble condition if
the telephone line is disconnected.
If the
TLM Enable
option is ON, the panel will check the tele-
phone line every 10 seconds. If the telephone line voltage is
below 3V for the number of checks programmed in the
Trouble Delay
section, the panel will report a TLM trouble.
The default number of checks is 3. Enter a number from [003]
to [255] in the
TLM Trouble Delay
section to change the num-
ber of checks before the TLM trouble is reported. Program-
ming a delay means that a momentary interruption of the
telephone line will not cause a trouble condition.
If the
TLM Trouble Beeps When Armed
option is enabled,
the panel will indicate a TLM trouble at the keypad while the
system is armed. To activate the bell output in the case of a
TLM trouble while the system is armed, the
TLM Audible
(Bell) When Armed
option must be selected.
When the trouble condition is restored, the panel can send a
TLM Restoral
reporting code. Any events which occur while
the telephone line is down will also be communicated.
If the LINKS1000 Cellular Communicator, Skyroute transceiver,
or LINKS2X50 is being used, the panel can be programmed to
report a
TLM Trouble
reporting code.
TLM Enable/Disable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section [015]: [7]
TLM Trouble Beeps When Armed or
TLM Audible (Bell) When Armed . . . . . . . . .Section [015]: [8]
TLM Trouble Reporting Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [349]
TLM Restoral Reporting Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [350]
TLM Trouble Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [370]
5.13 Bell
The bell will silence after the number of minutes programmed
for the
Bell Cut-off
time have passed.
The panel supervises the bell output. If an open condition is
detected, the panel will immediately indicate a trouble condi-
tion by beeping the keypad twice every 10 seconds to alert
the owner to the problem. The panel can send a
Bell Circuit
Trouble Restoral
reporting codes to indicate the
situation (see 5.8
“Communicator – Reporting Codes”
If the
Temporal Three Fire Signal
option is enabled, all Fire
signals (on zone types [07], [08], [87], [88]) will follow the
Temporal Three pattern as described in NFPA 72. If turned
OFF all Fire signals will sound a one second on, one second
off cadence.