For the 2-wire smoke option to work, connector JP1
must be removed from the PC1555MX control board.
2-wire smoke detectors use PGM2 as a supervised
input with a 2200
end-of-line resistor. A trouble condition will
be generated if an open condition is detected between PGM2
and Aux+ .
For option [04], 2-wire smoke, do not change the PGM
output attributes from the default settings.
[05] Armed Status
When the system is armed, the PGM output will activate at the
beginning of the exit delay. The output deactivates when the
system is disarmed.
[06] Ready To Arm
The PGM will be active as long as the system is ready to arm
and all non-force armable zones on the system are restored.
Once an access code is entered to arm the system and the
exit delay begins, the PGM output is deactivated.
[07] Keypad Buzzer Follower Mode
The PGM will activate when any of the following events occurs
and will remain active for as long as the keypad buzzer is
• Door Chime
• Entry Delay
• Auto-Arm Prealert
• Audible Exit Delay
• 24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer Zone
[08] Courtesy Pulse
Upon arming, the PGM output will activate for the duration of
the exit delay plus an additional two minutes. Upon disarming,
the PGM output will activate for the duration of the entry delay
plus an additional two minutes.
[09] System Trouble Output
The PGM output will activate when any of the selected trouble
conditions is present. It will deactivate when all the selected
trouble conditions are cleared.
The PGM attributes for this option, programmed in Sections
[141] to [154], differ from the standard selection of attributes.
Program which trouble conditions will activate the output by
selecting some or all of the following attributes:
.......... Service Required
(battery, bell, general trouble,
general tamper, general supervisory)
.......... AC Failure
.......... Telephone Line Trouble
.......... Failure to Communicate
.......... Fire Trouble/Zone Fault
.......... Zone Tamper
.......... Zone Low Battery
.......... Loss of Clock
[10] System Event (Strobe Output)
This output activates when any of the selected system events
(alarms) occurs on the system.
This output will activate for silent and audible alarms or
medical conditions only. It will not activate during pre-alert or
If attribute [8] is turned ON, the output will activate for the
number of seconds programmed in the
PGM Output Timer
(section [164]).
If attribute [8] is turned OFF, in the armed state the output will
deactivate only once the system is disarmed. If an alarm acti-
vates this output in the disarmed state, the output will deacti-
vate if a user enters a valid access code while the bell cut-off
timer is counting down. The output will also deactivate if
someone arms the system after the bell cut-off has expired.
This output can be used to indicate that an alarm has
occurred before entering the premises.
The PGM attributes for this option, programmed in Sections
[141] to [154], differ from the standard selection of attributes.
Program which events will activate the output by selecting
some or all of the following attributes:
(Delay, Instant, Interior, Stay/Away and
24 Hour Burglary Zones)
(Fire Keys, Fire Zones)
(Panic Keys and Panic Zones)
(Auxiliary Keys, Medical and Emergency
(Supervisory, Freezer and Water
(Gas, Heat, Sprinkler and 24 Hour Latch-
ing Zones)
(Holdup Zones)
.........Output Follows Timer
(output will activate for the
number of seconds programmed in the
PGM Out-
put Timer
/Output Latched
If attribute [8] is turned ON, attributes [1-7] must also
be turned ON.
PGM Output Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [164]
[11] System Tamper (All Sources)
The PGM output will activate when any tamper condition is
present and will deactivate when all tampers are restored.
[12] TLM and Alarm
The PGM output activates when the system experiences both
a telephone line trouble and an alarm. When the system is
armed, the output will deactivate only if an access code is
entered or if the telephone line is restored.
If an alarm activates this output in the disarmed state, the out-
put will deactivate if a user enters a valid access code while
the bell cut-off timer is counting down, or if the telephone line
is restored. The output will also deactivate if someone arms
the system after the bell cut-off has expired.
This output will activate for all silent and audible alarms
except the Duress alarm and 24 hour PGM inputs.
[13] Kissoff Output
The output will activate for two seconds after the control panel
receives the kissoff transmission from the central station.
[14] Ground Start Pulse
The PGM output will activate for two seconds to obtain a dial
tone on Ground Start telephone equipment before the panel
attempts to dial. Insert two 2-second pauses at the beginning
of the telephone number when using this option.
[15] Remote Operation (DLS-3 Support)
This output can be activated and deactivated remotely using
the DLS software.
[16] LINKS1000 Support (PGM1 Only)
The PGM output will be used as a data wire to communicate
telephone number information for the LINKS1000 cellular unit.
[17] Away Armed Status
When the system is armed in the Away mode, the PGM output
will activate at the beginning of the exit delay. The output
deactivates when the panel is disarmed.