Vaporstream humidifi ers have a 1" (25 mm) in ter nal air gap to pre vent back
siphoning into a potable wa ter system. Some gov ern ing codes may re quire
ad di tion al pro tec tion, such as a vac u um breaker or backfl ow preventer.
The sup ply wa ter pres sure range must be 25 to 80 psi (172 to 552 kPa).
The water sup ply as sem bly for a tap/softened water Vaporstream humidifi er
in cludes a strain er, nee dle valve, and fi ll solenoid. The pipe connection is a
1/4" pipe thread (DN8), except for Vaporstream humidifi ers in Europe, which
have a 3/8" pipe thread (DN10) connection.
When using nonmetallic tubing for supply water, it must be rated for 212 °F
(100 °C) minimum continuous operating temperature. DriSteem recommends
installing 3' (914 mm) of non-insulated metallic pipe directly off the humidifi er
(between the humidifi er and the nonmetallic tubing).
If using nonmetallic supply water tubing, DriSteem recommends making a
2" (50 mm) water seal or loop in the supply line to isolate steam from the
nonmetallic tubing. See Figure 22-1.
The minimum water conductivity for tap/softened water Vaporstream
humidifi ers is 30 μS/cm.
The pri ma ry com po nent of the wa ter sup ply as sem bly is the so le noid valve;
therefore, noise can be expected during fi ll cycles.
If water hammer occurs when the fi ll solenoid closes, the best solution is to
install a shock arrester. The noise might be diminished by reducing the supply
water pressure (minimum 25 psi [172 kPa]) or using fl exible tubing rated for
212 °F (100 °C) minimum continuous operating temperature.
During a fi ll cycle, the sup ply wa ter drops the wa ter tem per a ture in the tank
and may collapse the steam, which can cause a low rolling sound. To diminish
this, adjust the nee dle valve to de crease the wa ter fi ll rate and/or use hot
supply water.
Water supply
Damage caused by chloride corrosion is not
covered by your DriSteem warranty.
Hot discharge water
Discharge water can be as hot as
212 °F (100 °C) and can damage the
drain plumbing.
To prevent such damage from
humidifi ers without water tempering,
allow the tank to cool before draining.
Humidifi ers equipped with a water
tempering device such as a DriSteem
Drane-kooler need fresh make-up
water in order to function properly.
Make sure the water supply to the
water tempering device remains open
during draining.
Excessive supply water pressure
Supply water pressure greater than 80
psi (550 kPa) can cause the humidifi er
to overfl ow.