12. Others/driving system
Disassembly of Piston
1. Pull out the snap ring for piston pin and with a pair
of snap ring pliers.
2. With a round bar, remove the piston pin.
3. With a pair of pliers, remove the piston rings.
4. Clean the piston thoroughly.
Assembly of Piston
1. Heat the piston at the piston heater for about 5
minutes (120 ~ 150
2. By aligning the piston pin hole with the pin hole of
connecting rod’s smaaler end, insert the oil coated
piston pin.
3. With the snap ring plier, inser the snap rings of the
piston pin.
4. With confirming the upper side indication of piston
ring, after assembling the ring in the piston ring
groove, inspect if the movement of ring is smooth.
Piston Inspection
1. Visual inspection
1) Visually check the piston for crack, scratch, wear, etc.
Specially, check the wear status of the ring groove.
2. Piston outside diameter inspection
1) With the outside micrometer, measure the outside
2) The measuring position is 71.5mm from the piston
lower end, and the direction of measurement must be
perpendicular to the piston pin direction.
Confirm the direction of connecting rod and
Arrange the assembled piston in order as the
cylinder number.