Reflex Duplicator Manual
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Tutorial Guide:
Select the Master Reading Source
When you try to make a copy, you need to specify where the
master disc is. Is it in the Reader tray? Or is it an Image
inside the Hard Drive? This tutorial will show you how to
change the Master Reading Source to satisfy your needs.
The two copy methods are:
Disc-to-Disc copy - This is the case when you would
normally make copies on the fly. You need to set the
“Reader“ as your Master Reading Source.
Hard Drive-to-Disc copy (if Hard Drive installed) - If you
want to make copies from your Hard Drive Image, you
need to select the source as “Hard Drive“.
There are benefits to copy from Hard Drive:
Performance - Duplicating form the Hard Drive will
be able to boost the DVD duplication speed to 8x
or above.
Stability - Duplicating from Hard Drive will stabilize
the duplication process compared to the Disc to
Disc duplicating.
Convenience - With your master discs stored inside
the Hard Drive, you can have access to each one
easily. There is no need to carry your master discs;
they are all stored inside the duplicator.
When you turn on your duplicator, after it has booted up, you
should see the following signifying your duplicator is ready.
Reflex Duplicator Manual
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1. Navigate to Source Selection Menu.
Press UP or DOWN arrow button or “Source“ hot key to
navigate to the following screen.
2. Enter Source Selection Menu.
Press “ENT“ button to enter into Source Selection Menu.
You shall see the following:
Select Desired Master Reading Device.
You can press UP or DOWN button to select the desired
Master Reading Source. Then, you can press “ENT“ to
submit your Source Selection.
3. Once your selection has been changed successfully, you
shall see the following screen for 2 seconds:
Disc Makers .99
Hard Drive Port 0
HDD Port 0
5.2 Select Source