XTLplus Series Installation and Programming Guide | Digital Monitoring Products
Trip Counter for DMP Wireless Check-in Test (WLS)
Displays the number of wireless zones that automatically communicate a supervisory
check-in message.
The number of zones that check in. (XXX in the example).
The total number of wireless zones programmed for supervision that should
check in. (ZZ in the example).
Select END to stop the Wireless Check-in Test. When the test ends or a 5 minute
time-out expires, normal wireless zone processing returns. If all transmitters check-in,
both numbers will match within three (3) minutes. If a transmitter has multiple zones
(1101, 1114, etc.), all zones will be included in the counts. Failed wireless zones then
display on the keypad.
Test End Warning
When no zones have been tripped and five minutes remain on the 5 minute Walk
Test timer, the keypad displays TEST END WARNING and the keypad tones. If no
additional test zone trips occur, the test ends and a final Sensor Reset automatically
occurs. The System Test End message is sent to the receiver along with Verify and Fail
messages for each zone under WALK test. Faulted zones then display on the keypad.
Failed Zones Display
Each zone that did not trip at least once during the Walk Test displays on the
keypad that initiated the test. Any Fire (FI), Panic (PN), Supervisory (SV), or Carbon
Monoxide (CO) 24-hour zone that is faulted at the end of the Walk Test displays a
trouble condition for that zone regardless of the message programmed for the open
or short condition of the zone and a zone trouble is sent to the receiver. Press
display the next failed zone.
For the Wireless Check-in Test, failed wireless zones display only on the keypad. Zone
Verify/Fail Reports are not sent to the central station receiver for the wireless checkin
Keypad Speaker Operation
The panel provides distinct speaker tones from the keypad for Fire, Burglary, Zone Monitor, Carbon Monoxide (CO),
and Prewarn events. The list below details the conditions under which the speaker is turned on and off for each event.
Fire zone alarm and Bell Output are ON.
Alarm Silence or briefly when a key is pressed.
Burglary zone alarm and Bell Output and is ON.
Alarm Silence or briefly when a key is pressed.
Zone Monitor
One time only when a monitored zone is tripped.
After one tone.
CO zone alarm and Bell Ouput are ON.
Using Sensor Reset option while no additional CO type zones are in alarm
During Entry Delay.
When Entry Delay expires, when a Valid Code is entered, or when a key is pressed.
Cross Zoning
Caution must be taken when cross zoning devices to ensure that the Cross Zone Time is long enough to allow an
intruder to trip both devices before it expires. A Cross Zone Time that is too short may allow an intruder to trip the
devices and allow only a zone fault report be sent to the central station.
When a Cross Zoned zone trips, a FAULT report is sent to the SCS-1R Receiver. When two Cross Zoned zones trip
within the Cross Zone Time, both zones send ALARM signals to the receiver. For example, if zones 1 and 2 are Cross
Zoned zones, and only zone 1 trips, a FAULT report is sent to the receiver for zone 1. If zone 1 trips and zone 2 trips
within the Cross Zone Time, an ALARM report is sent to the receiver for zone 1 and zone 2.
To operate correctly, all cross-zone zones need to be programmed as the same zone type.
ZONE: 10