XTLplus Series Installation and Programming Guide | Digital Monitoring Products
This section provides additional zone and system information.
Status List
The Status List is the current status of the system or records of recent system events that display on alphanumeric
If an event were to occur on the system, such as an AC failure, the keypad would display the AC POWER -TRBL
message. This is a system event that is placed into the Status List to alert the user to a problem with the system.
Some Status List items remain in the display until manually cleared and some are cleared automatically when the
condition returns to normal. Below is a list of status and event displays the keypad can show in the Status List:
Fire, Carbon Monoxide, and Supervisory zone troubles
By Sensor Reset
Fire, Carbon Monoxide, and Supervisory zone troubles
Clears when zone restores
Burglary zone alarms
Clears at disarming
All other zone alarms
Clears when zone restores
Zone monitor displays
Clears after approximately 8 minutes
Day zone alerts
Clears after approximately 8 minutes
System monitor troubles
Clears when condition restores—AC and battery trouble
Armed status display
System On
Disarmed status displays
System Ready, System Not Ready
Remote keypad messages
Sent to the keypad by your office or central station
Not Connected message
Clears after panel connection to network keypad is reestablished
Wireless zones in an Area or All/Perimeter system
Zone Trouble or
Low Battery
Trouble buzzer resounds every four hours
The highest priority message is displayed on the keypad. When there are multiple items in the list, you can use
the Back Arrow key to scroll forward or back through the items.
Transmission Delay
You can set Abort Reports to YES if Opening and Closing reports are not being sent.
If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed during the Transmit Delay time, only an Abort Report (S45) message
is sent to the receiver. If the area where the alarm occurred is disarmed after the alarm message is sent to the receiver
but before the Bell Cutoff time expires, even if the alarm was silenced, an Alarm Cancelled (S49) message is sent. The
Alarm Cancelled report cannot be disabled.
False Alarm Reduction
System Recently Armed Report
The System Recently Armed report (S78) is sent when a burglary zone goes into alarm within two minutes of the
system being armed.
Diagnostics Function
The XTLplus Series panel contains a Diagnostics function that allows you to test the integrity of the network
communication, integrity of the cellular communication and cellular signal communication of the 265 Series to the
nearest tower for the cellular carrier. The Diagnostics function also displays the panel settings. To use Diagnostics,
reset the panel, enter the Diagnostics code
(DIAG), and press
MAC Address
Short for Media Access Control address. This hardware address uniquely identifies each network node. Not to be
confused with an IP address, which is assignable. In the Diagnostics function, the MAC address is the panel on-board
network hardware address. Press any Select Key or Area to display the panel MAC address. Press
to view the
next option.
Serial Number
This number is the network communicator serial number. Reference this number for communicator date of manufacture,
hardware version, etc. Press any Select Key or Area to display the Serial Number. Press
to view the next option.