XTLplus Series Installation and Programming Guide | Digital Monitoring Products
Cross-Zone Time
Enter the time allowed between two or more different zone's faults. When a zone
programmed for cross zoning faults, the panel begins counting down the Cross-Zone
Time entered here. If the same zone or another cross-zoned zone faults within this
time, an alarm report is sent to the receiver.
If the Cross-Zone Time expires without the second zone fault, only a zone fault report
from the first zone is sent to the receiver. The Cross-Zone Time can be from 4 to 250
seconds in one second increments. Enter 0 (zero) to disable the Cross-Zone Time
feature. Default is
(zero). See the
Power Fail Delay
This option tracks the duration of an AC power failure. The delay time can be from 1
to 9 hours. When the AC power is off for the length of the programmed delay time,
an AC power failure report is sent to the receiver. Entering a 0 (zero) sends the AC
power failure report within 15 seconds. Default is
Swinger Bypass Trips
Enter the number of times (1-6) a zone can go into fault with a repeated alarm or
trouble condition within one hour before being automatically bypassed. Bypassed
zones are automatically reset when the area they are assigned to is disarmed. All 24-
hour zones are reset when any area of the system is disarmed. A programming Stop
operation restores a bypassed zone. Entering 0 (zero) disables this function. Default
Not investigated by Intertek.
Reset Swinger Bypass
When YES is selected, an automatically bypassed zone is reset if it remains in a
normal condition for one complete hour after being bypassed. A report of the
automatic reset is sent to the receiver if Bypass Reports has been selected as YES.
Default is
Not investigated by Intertek.
Zone Activity Hours
This option provides supervision of a person living alone for non-activity. Enter the
number of hours, 0 to 9, allowed to elapse without a disarmed zone being tripped
before a message is sent to the receiver. Default is
When the system is disarmed, the timer begins to countdown the number of hours
programmed. Each time activity occurs, the timer restarts the countdown. Before the
countdown time expires, the keypad sounds a tone and PRESS ANY KEY displays to
allow the user to restart the activity timer. The duration of the tone is the number of
seconds programmed for Entry Delay 2.
Select the SUPV/TRBL receiver option in communication programming to send S93
ALARM: User Activity Not Detected, S94 Alert: Activity Check Enabled, and S95
Alert: Activity Check Disabled messages.
When an open/close schedule is programmed, the timer only counts down during
the scheduled open period. Also, when a schedule is programmed, if the timer is
counting down and the scheduled open time occurs, the timer resets and begins the
countdown again.
Arm Activity Days
Select the number of days a countdown timer is set for area arming and disarming
activity. The range for the countdown timer is 00 to 99. When the timer counts down
to zero because of no arming or disarming activity, the panel sends a “No Arming/
Disarming” message to the receiver at 10:00 AM. Each time an area is armed or
disarmed, the timer is restarted. When the countdown timer expires because of no
arming or disarming activity, and a message is sent, the timer does not restart until a
panel reset occurs or an area is armed or disarmed.
The SUPV/TRBL receiver option must be selected in communication programming for
the message to be sent.
How it works:
The panel hour timer starts at 59 minutes past the hour. If the
hour timer expires before the trip counter is exceeded, the
trip counter returns to 0 (zero). If the trip counter is exceeded
before the hour expires, the zone is automatically bypassed
by the panel. A Bypass Report is sent to the receiver if Bypass
Reports is