Pictures for illustrati ng pur poses o nly
Take off the collecting container and swing back the tank
in intermediate position. Fasten the tank holding steel
TAKE CARE : the tank gasket should be changed
w henever the tank is maintained (picture n°24.1).
Make also sure that the collar clamps are still ok.
IMPORTANT : make sure that the flutted tee that fits
the bottom of the tank has not been pulled dow n
w ith the calcius deposit. Otherw ise, pick it up from
the collecting bag and reinstall it (s.a. picture n°24).
Do not scratch, hit or use corrosive liquids on the
heating elements.
Process the same way for the second tank.
Put back the tank lid onto the tank body taking care to
align the positioning marks. Pay particular attention
that no pow er w ires be j ammed betw een the tank
and the bottom and gathered them in the insert
bundleclip as show n in picture 25.1
Wipe the 4 high water level electrodes and put the high water
lev el electrode assy back. Do not forget to reconnect the
pressure level hose. Swing the tank up (s.a. picture n°25).
Reassemble the drain valve assy in its original position
and retighten the 4 collar clamps.
Tighten up the black knob, reconnect the drain and
steam hoses and hang back the doors.
The humidifier is now ready (s.a. picture n°26).
Picture n°25
Picture n°26
Picture n°24
RTH 60 to 100 tank maintenance