Pictures for illustrati ng pur poses o nly
Picture n°19
Picture n°20
Make the drain valve assy slide on the right
and the other drain hose butt end to the left
(s.a. picture n°18).
Plug off the drain valve electrical supply
wires and take off the drain valve assy (s.a.
picture n°19).
Swing the tank down to intermediate posi-
tion (s.a. picture n°20).
Unlock the 4 locks of the tank (s.a. picture
Lift the tank lid (mind the positioning
marks) and lay it upside down on the top of
the humidifier (s.a. picture n°22).
Adjust the collecting container on the tank
rim and fasten the handles to the lateral
tank hooks.
Release the tank holding steel chain and
swing down the tank : the calcius deposit
falls into the flexible bag. This is a tidy ope-
ration for both the maintenance personnel
and the operational room.
Remove the flexible container and swing
the tank back to its intermediate position.
Fasten the holding steel chain to the tank.
Grease the tank gasket with silicon grease.
Picture n°18
Picture n°21
Pictgure n°23
Picture n°22
RTH 60 to 100 tank maintenance