Pictures for illustrati ng pur poses o nly
Lift the tank lid (mind the positioning marks) and
lay it upside down on the top of the humidifier
(s.a. picture n°7). Remove the high water tank
and lay it on the top of the humidifier.
Set the calcius collecting bag on the tank rim
and hook the handles to the tank lateral hooks
(s.a. picture n°8).
Release the tank holding chain and swing down
the tank : the calcius deposit falls into the flexible
container. This is a tidy operation for both the
maintenance personnel and the operational
room (s.a. picture n°9).
Remove the flexible bag and swing the tank
back to intermediate position. Fasten the holding
steel chain to the tank.
TAKE CARE : the tank gasket should be
changed w henever the tank is maintained
(picture n°10.1). Make also sure that the col-
lar clamps are still ok.
IMPORTANT : make sure that the flutted tee
that fits the bottom of the tank has not been
pulled dow n with the calcius deposit. Other-
w ise, pick it up from the collecting bag and
reinstall it (s.a. picture n°10).
Do not scratch, hit or use corrosive liquids
on the heating elements.
Put back the tank lid onto the tank body taking
care to align the positioning marks. Pay particu-
lar attention that no power w ires be j ammed
between the tank and the bottom and gathe-
red them in the insert bundleclip as show n in
picture 11.1
Wipe the 4 high water level electrodes and put
back the high water level electrode assy. Swing
the tank up (s.a. picture n°11).
Tighten up the black knob and reconnect the
drain and steam hoses.
The humidifier is now ready again (s.a. picture n°
Picture n°7
Picture n°8
Picture n°9
Picture n°11
Picture n°12
Picture n°10
RTH 5 to 50 tank maintenance