SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
Figure 2: BMC Login prompt
After the login is performed, the user has full access to the BMC web GUI and can navigate through all
the settings described in the section “2 BMC Web GUI”. As a first step, it is recommended to change
the password of the root user as a security practice. The procedure for changing the password, as well
as additional details regarding the users administration, is described
in section “”.
1.3 Best practices for improving the BMC security
It’s highly recommended to follow the guidelines below as good practices for improving the security
when accessing the BMC.
● Change the default password of the root user after the first login and use a strong new
password. Create users for administering the BMC adequately according to the privilege level
defined by your company’s policies. Details regarding the configuration of users and their
respective privilege levels are described in section “2.5.2 Local users”.
● Avoid direct exposure of the BMC management port to the internet.
● Use separate networks for BMC management and for host LAN. If possible, use a dedicated
network for BMC management with a restricted pool of IP addresses reserved for this
● It is recommended to use only the out-of-band dedicated Ethernet port for BMC management.
If the in-band NC-SI interface needs to be used instead, it is advised to isolate the
management network by using a dedicated VLAN for BMC management.
● Block outgoing BMC traffic to the internet using a firewall.
● Install a proper certificate for HTTP access to the BMC.
● Contact Datacom support team periodically to check for available BMC FW upgrades.
1.4 Redfish
The redfish is a RESTful (Representational State Transfer) application programming interface (API)
developed by the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force) and used for a broad range of
converged infrastructure (CI) equipment, such as servers, storage devices, network equipment, etc.