SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
13 Event Logs through Server health button
The event logs from type “Event” can also be accessed by means of the “Server Health” button present
in the header of the OpenBMC web page, as shown in the Figure 7.
Figure 7: Server health button
The web page provides the same filters as sho
wn in the standard “Event log” screen, but the events
are displayed in a different way, as shown in the Figure 8.
Figure 8: Server health button web page
The event log viewer from this web page provides the following action possibilities for the user (please
refer to Figure 9):
1. The user may select one or more events from the event list by clicking in the individual mark
boxes or select all the events at once by clicking in the mark box present on the header of the
2. The user can delete an event from the log, so that it will be completely removed from the
3. The user can mark an event as resolved. When doing this, the event will still be available in the
database, but it will not cause any alarm indication in the system.