SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
When clicking in the “Add server” button, the user is prompted to configure the IP address and port
number of the remote logging server, as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Remote Logging Server configuration
Once the remote server settings are configured, the BMC starts to send its logs to the destination IP
address and port. The remote server must be properly configured to accept the log packets sent by the
BMC. As an example, a “rsyslog” server can be installed in an Ubuntu OS and configured to collect and
save the BMC logs (
2.2.2 Hardware status
The “Hardware status” menu is used to check the inventory information of the following system
● Motherboard
● NVMes
● Mezzanine card
● CPUs
● Riser Cards
● 2xE1.S Adapter Card