SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
"@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
"@odata.type": "#Message.v1_0_0.Message",
"Message": "Successfully Completed Request",
"MessageArgs": [],
"MessageId": "Base.1.4.0.Success",
"Resolution": "None",
"Severity": "OK"
Once the operation is successful, it returns the response “200 OK” and the logs are completely deleted.
Figure 114: Redfish - System log delete
3.3.14 BMC Reset
The user can perform a reboot in the BMC or reset it to factory defaults by means of the redfish. Details
regarding the BMC reboot can be found in section “2.3.3 Reboot BMC” and information about the BMC
reset to factory defaults can be found in section “ Factory Reset - BIOS and BMC”.