SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
Edit network settings:
redirects the user to the “Network settings” menu. Details regarding
this function can be found in section “2.4.1 Network settings”.
Additionally, there are two buttons in the header of the web page:
Server Health:
provides information about the health state of the server, indicating if there is
some critical alarm or not. Details of this function can be found in section “”. The state of
the server health button is updated only after the web page is refreshed.
Server Power:
provides information about the power state of the server, indicating if it is
powered on and running or powered off. When clicking on this button, the user is redirected to
the Server Power Operations menu. The functions present in this menu are detailed in section
“2.3.1 Server power operations”.
2.2 Health Menu
2.2.1 Event log
The events or alarms triggered in the system are identified by the BMC and logged in the database,
allowing the user to check them later by means of the “Event log” menu. An example of an event log
from the DM-SV01 server can be seen in Figure 4 and Figure 5.
Figure 4: BMC Event log menu