SV01 Server ● BMC User Manual ● Rev. 2.1
Figure 32: BMC network settings - selecting interface
By default, both eth0 and eth1 interfaces are configured as DHCP clients, so they can get their
respective IP addresses automatically.
Besides selecting the network interface to be configured, the following common settings are available,
which applies for both eth0 and eth1 interfaces:
configures the hostname of the BMC, which can be used to access it through the
web browser or to connect through SSH.
Mac Address:
read only option, it is used to check the MAC address of the selected network
Default gateway:
read only option, it is used to check the Default Gateway that is being used
by the selected network interface. IPV4 Settings
The settings from this section are individual for each Ethernet port, so the user must select the Ethernet
interface eth0 or eth1 to be configured (as shown in section “ Common Settings”) before
proceeding. There are two options available for configuration:
● Configure the network interface as a DHCP client to receive the IP address automatically
(default option).
● Assign a static IP address to the network interface.
The selection is done by means of the checkboxes shown below: