Installation Issues and Functional Problems
This section covers issues that are apparent after installation or are indicated by the GigE
server tray icon showing a warning symbol.
The Windows Firewall Service Can Not Start
After installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 or 3, the Windows Firewall service will not start.
Problems with the Genie camera or Framework may include:
The Genie camera cannot acquire a DHCP address
Registry writes fail
Messages in the Sapera Log Viewer include "check your firewall" and the computer
firewall is disabled for no reason.
After installing Windows XP Service Pack 2 or 3, the Windows Firewall service will not start.
Symptoms may include the following messages:
When you click Windows Firewall in Control Panel, you may receive the following error
Windows Firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not
running. Do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
If you try to manually start the Windows Firewall service by using Services, you may
receive the following error message:
Could not start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) service on Local
Error 0x80004015: The class is configured to run as a security id different from the
These symptoms are described in detail by Microsoft support at this link
Without covering the details mentioned in the Microsoft support web page, the solution
involves deleting two registry keys in the host computer. This procedure should only be
done by someone comfortable with Windows registry backups and editing. These registry
keys can be deleted via the following command console instructions:
REG DELETE HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Security /f
REG DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{ce166e40-1e72-45b9-94c9-3b2050e8f180} /f
Reboot the computer after execution.
Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera