Sapera Demo Applications
Xtium2-CXP PX8 User's Manual
Sapera Demo Applications
The Sapera Explorer application is the fastest way to access the demo programs, code samples,
examples and other info provided with Sapera LT.
To open Sapera Explorer
On the Start menu, select Teledyne DALSA Sapera LT > Sapera Explorer.
Figure 15: The Sapera Explorer application
All demo programs are available as a compiled binary; source code is provided for both C++ and
.NET projects using Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017/2019.
Table 4: Demos Workspace Details
Program file …\...\Sapera\Demos\Binaries\GrabDemo.exe
Visual C++
Visual .NET
This demo is based on Sapera LT classes. See the Sapera User’s and Reference manuals for
more information.