Restrictions on Users
Please restrict the personnel responsible for operating or maintaining equipment to those who have
received the necessary training on the handling of the product in advance, fully understand how to
handle it safely, and are recognized as “qualified” by the pers
on responsible for safety management at
the customer. Electrical maintenance in particular must be restricted to those who have certain
qualifications prescribed by law (e.g. licensed electrical engineers).
Be sure to stipulate the above qualification conditions in the company regulations.
Restrictions on Applications
Do not use this product for special applications where human lives are at stake, for life-support
equipment for example, or its associated systems, or for special applications including mobile
structures that carry people, or for medical uses and nuclear power uses.
This product has been manufactured under strict quality control, but when it is used with equipment
where its failure, for example, can be anticipated to result in a serious accident or loss, install safety
devices in the machinery.
This product constitutes partly completed machinery in the sense of the EC Machinery Directive
2006/42/EC and respectively not usable.
This product is exclusively intended for integration into a
machine or system or for assembly with other components to form a machine or a system. The product
may be commissioned only if it has been integrated into the machine or system for which it is designed
and if the machine or system fully complies with the requirements of the EC Machinery Directive.
Regarding the hydraulic connections to this hydraulic unit, use hoses to prevent transmission of the
vibration of the motor pump to the machine.
This hydraulic unit is equipped with a fan to cool the hydraulic oil, controller and motor. To assure the air
intake and exhaust for the fan, do not place any obstruction within 10 cm from the unit left and light. In
addition, install the unit at a location with good ventilation so that hot air does not remain.
Turning the power ON/OFF frequently significantly shortens the life of the controller. Run and stop this
hydraulic unit by using start/stop digital inputs. Leave an interval of at least 5 minutes between stopping
and running of the unit by turning the power ON/OFF. When stopping and running of the unit with start/stop
signals, leave an interval of at least 0.5 seconds between the stop command and restarting.