11. Vulcan Installation
11.2 Choosing the right Installation Location
11.2.1 Installation in a private house
Vulcan is typically installed at the point where the main water supply line
enters the building. Most of the time, this is close to the water meter
or the main shut-off valve. This way, the Vulcan treatment takes place
before the water is distributed into the building.
European homes usually have a basement and the main water pipe is
accessible easily. The installation thus is very simple. Many other homes
around the world have the water access outside the house. This also
is usually where water meter is located. CWT also offers a range of
additional equipment such as mounting boxes that can protect the unit
from theft and weather.
If the house is equipped with a storage water tank (many times located
on the roof), we recommend the installation of Vulcan after the tank
outlet. This ensures that the water is treated just before it travels
through the piping system. If Vulcan were installed before the tank and
the water had been sitting for 2-7 days in the tank before usage, the
Vulcan effect might get lost in the tank.
11.2.2 Installation in apartment buildings
In general, the same installation guideline as for private houses applies
to larger buildings: Vulcan is installed at the point where the incoming
water supply line is going into the building (typically close to where the
water meter is placed). Please also consider other factors such as the
construction plan of the water carrying pipes and heating system. If you
have an extra system for heating, you may need another unit for the hot
water circulation line. The unit size should be according to pipe diameter
and water flow.
11.2.3 Installation in commercial & industrial settings
Due to the different nature of production sites, there is no standard rule
for installation. As a production site typcially consists of a number of
buildings, the main building can be treated as any other large building.
We recommend the installation of a large unit to treat the main water
industrial usage inlet. This is a basic treatment and additional smaller
Vulcan units should be installed right before the worst scale problem
generating machinery (heat exchangers, cooling towers, chillers,
production lines, …). Please contact us, if you need technical assistance.
11.2.4 Installation in circulation lines
If you have a circulation line either open, semi-closed or closed-loop
line, there should be an extra Vulcan unit placed there. The water in
circulation travels long distances and the circulation pumps often suffer
severely from scale deposits. The Vulcan size needs to be selected
according to the pipe size of the circulation.
Open loop circulation line
Basement installation
Storage tank installation
Vulcan installation in an apartment building
Vulcan installation in a factory
On closed loop circuits, Vulcan is located after the pump.
Case Study – Cooling Tower
“ ... Aft er installati on of the Vulcans,
the status of the cooling towers was
inspected without using any water
treatment chemicals. Even aft er ap-
proximately six months, almost no
scale buildup was observed inside
the refrigerators and the heat ex-
changer tubes.
Calcium which was adhered on the
cooling towers was easily removed
with the wipe of a fi nger. With these
results, the eff ecti veness of the Vulcan
installati on could be confi rmed. ...“
Christiani Wassertechnik GmbH (CWT)
Köpenicker Str. 154 | 10997 Berlin | Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 - 236 077 80
Cooling Towers - US 12/2010
Vulcan - Against Scale and Rust
Vulcan is the eco-friendly water treatment system
which protects your pipes and equipment against
scale and rust.
Eco-friendly solution without chemicals or salt
Reduction of existing scale in the piping system
Maximum working life of machinery and equipment
Important minerals remain in the water
Long life – fully cast in acrylic
10 year international warranty
Easy installation without cutting the pipe
up to 20
pipe diameter
Works on all pipe materials – iron, copper, plastic,
stainless steel, PVC, compound pipes, PE-X, etc.
Vulcan S25
Test report on Vulcans (pulsed water treatment systems)
installed as a preventive measure against scale buildups causing faulty of
the cooling towers
February 24, 2007
Tested field:
Factory of a pharmaceutical company
Installation sites:
Cooling towers on the rooftop of the second building
2-1 cooling tower
Makeup water piping size is 50A.
2-2 cooling tower
Makeup water piping size is 50A.
1 cooling tower
Makeup water piping size is 50A and circulating piping size is 80A.
Model installed:
Vulcan S25
(water treatment capacity: 25 m3/hour)
Date installed:
For the cooling towers
A, B
, and
: July 22, 2006
For the cooling tower
: October 6, 2006
To prevent scale buildups on the cooling towers.
To reduce chemicals used for water treatment
(measure for complying with ISO 14001)
To save the energy cost by preventing the deterioration of the heat exchange effectiveness
Ve rifica tion o f the e ffectiveness:
After installation of the Vulcans, the statuses of the cooling towers A, B, and C were inspected without using any water
treatment chemicals. Even after elapse of approximately six months, almost no scale buildups were observed inside the
refrigerators and the heat exchanger tubes, and no water pollution warning was displayed. (Usually, without water treatment
chemicals, the water quality is deteriorated and water pollution warning is displayed.) Silica adhered on the cooling towers was
easily removed with a finger touch. With these results, the effectiveness of the installation of the Vulcans could be confirmed.
Rem ar k s (Su m m ary)
The water treatment system, Vulcan, has the following features: (For details, refer to the brochure attached.)
Vulcan changes only the crystal structure of scales without changing the quality of water. Therefore, nothing is added or
reduced to or from the ingredients of water. The water through Vulcan is soft and has an increased permeability. Vulcan makes
city water to drinking water and can be used as better cooling water.
(*) The effectiveness of the water treatment in the water supply line will last for 48 hours and for approximately 2 km in distance.
Major features include:
- Prevents buildups of rusts and scales
- Makes cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom much easier (toilets, showers, tiles, joints, etc.)
- Drastically reduces the clogging due to oil balls
- Eliminates the necessity of strong chemicals for removing scales.
- Eliminates the necessity of additives.
- Does not change the water quality.
- Prevents the clogging at the time of drainage
Vulcan installed on the
circulating piping (80A)
Used for the cooling towers
A, B
, and
Used for the cooling towers
Vulcan installed on the
makeup water piping
Installation Example-Open Circuit
Vulcan should be installed just before the heat exchan-
ger. Please ensure to regularly drain the circuit at the
bottom of the basin or use a centrifugal fi lter to take
away remaining solids from the cooling tower water.
Without treatment
With Vulcan treatment
Open loop example
Cooling Tower
Heat Exchanger
Quality - Made in Germany
Manufactured by Christiani Wassertechnik GmbH (CWT) Berlin
Over 30 years experience in physical water treatment
More than 150,000 satisfi ed customers world-wide
Available in more than 40 countries
Against Scale and Rust