3. The Vulcan Technology
3.2 Physical Water Treatment - How it works
Vulcan is a phsyical water treatment system that does NOT use chemicals
or salt. It does not change the chemical mixture of the water. Instead,
it changes the physical characteristics of the scale crystals in a way that
the scale particles loose their adhesive power. Vulcan does not need to
have direct contact with the water and sits outside of the pipe.
It treats the water with electric impulses which are generated in the
electronic unit and are controlled by a computerized microchip. The
signal-frequencies are transmitted via the Vulcan impulse-bands that
are wrapped around the pipe. The bands interact as pairs and form a
frequency-field that treats the water as it flows by.
3.2.1 The Vulcan impulse field
The Vulcan impulse bands act as pairs with a right side and a left side.
Each side triggers an alternating specific signal pattern which is send ten
times per second onto the pipe. The electronic impulse field is generated
from frequencies between 3,000 and 32,000 Hz. Due do the alternation
of the signal sides, which means that only one impulse band side is
active at a time, the frequencies in the impulse field are overlapping.
This effect multiplies the frequency patterns which again creates specific
(harmonic) overtones.
The Vulcan treatment is executed precisely, because the one-step
impulse generation exactly generates the desired outcome. It is
operating completely independent from the velocity (water flow rate)
and as the electricity is provided from the power supply, allowing a
continuous stream of impulse field generation.
3.2.2 Two natural phenomena
Scale deposits build up when the liquid calcium in the water forms
crystals that stick together (pic. 1). Physical water treatment creates a
different kind of calcium crystal structure that loses its power to attach
to surfaces and build deposits. These harmless new
(pic. 2)
are the key players in the Vulcan water treatment
Vulcan generates various processes to produce these mono-crystals and
sanitize the piping system:
a) Separation of Ca(HCO
by controlled electrophoresis
The alternating frequencies in the impulse field create an electronic
gradient that manifests the electric potential in the water. This potential
influences the liquid calcium [Ca(HCO
] and separates its individual
1. Untreated crystals
2. Mono-crystals (CaCo