11. Vulcan Installation
IV. Installation and FAQs
11. Vulcan Installation
11.1 Choosing the right Vulcan Size
When choosing the size please consider these two factors:
Pipe diameter and water capacity.
11.1.1 The pipe diameter
Where to look:
Check the pipe diameter in the area where you want
to install Vulcan. It does not matter if the pipe material changes (bigger
or smaller) somewhere later on the piping system.
The Vulcan impulses treat the water as it flows by. It is important to
submit the right impulse strength everywhere in the pipe so that all the
water is treated correctly. The impulse should neither be too weak nor
too strong. In order to provide exactly the right impulse strength for
your pipe, Vulcan comes in several sizes. This ensures that the same
strength of impulse is present throughout each individual pipe diameter.
The impulse needs to reach equally to the outside rim of the pipe (A) as
well as to the center (B) (pic. 1).
If you got it right:
Each Vulcan is designed so that the cleaning process is set to dismantle
a fine layer of scale at a time. This ”powder” is washed away by the
water and ensures a gentle, secure cleaning.
If you got it wrong:
The problem of underperformance/ overperformance
If the Vulcan impulse is too weak:
An insufficient (too weak) impulse will
result in too little treatment. Therefore
Do NOT undersize the unit.
If the Vulcan impulse is too strong:
A too strong Vulcan impulse strength
is not recommended. If an oversized Vulcan unit were installed to get
an accelerated cleaning process (e.g. Vulcan S25 on a 1” pipe), the
treatment would dismantle too much scale. This would lead to bigger
pieces of scale being taken off the deposit which will potentially block
your piping system overall.
Do NOT oversize the unit.
The problem with substitution
You can not take two small units to substitute
one big unit (e.g. two
Vulcan 5000 do
not replace one Vulcan S25).
Do NOT combine many
small units instead of one large unit.
Impulse penetration area
outside rim
pipe center
A to B: distance penetrated by impulses
pic. 1
Vulcan unit sizes
max. 1
” - Vulcan 3000
max. 2”
- Vulcan 5000
max. 3”
- Vulcan S10
max. 4”
- Vulcan S25
max. 6”
- Vulcan S100
max. 10” - Vulcan S250
max. 20” - Vulcan S500