6. Private Applications - Vulcan in your Home
6.7 Vulcan and Reverse Osmosis Filters (RO)
When Vulcan is installed before a RO-system it helps in two ways:
1. As calcium-crystals are smoother after the Vulcan treatment, this
reduces deposits on the sensitive RO-filter membranes. The RO-system
runs longer and more effectively.
2. The permeate (leftover water) is difficult to handle as it has a
particularly high degree of water hardness after filtration. Here, Vulcan
helps that the permeate can be better handled and prevents it from
causing damage further down the drain.
6.8 Vulcan and Water Softeners
a) Vulcan replaces water softeners
Vulcan is the eco-friendly alternative to regular salt-based water
softeners. It is not recommended for young children or older people to
drink water that has been treated with a salt-based softener. In addition,
the use of softeners is polluting the environment. When installing Vulcan,
an old system can easily be circumvented by simply bypassing it.
b) Vulcan as an addition to water softeners
Vulcan is the eco-friendly alternative to regular salt-based water
softeners. However, if you want to keep the softener running due to
special reasons, you can save large sums of money when using Vulcan
as an aid. The use of Vulcan will decrease the amount of salt that you
need to add. This cuts down costs for salt, maintenance intervals will be
extended, fewer malfunctions with backwash valves etc.
Throw out those expensive water softeners
Running a water softener is a costly measure. Large amounts of salt
are needed to operate the system. On average, a homeowner faces
expenses of 70-140 € (~$ US 100-200) per year in salt alone. Needless
to say, nobody likes carrying around bags of salt.
Furthermore, 30-80 gallons (115-300 l) of water are wasted each time
the softener granule has to be washed. Malfunctions and repairs are
likely with a built-in system. These can easily add up to hundreds of
dollars in repair costs. Possible annual savings: 250 € (~$ US 330).
6.9 Vulcan and Well / Bore-wells
Wells are taking the water from deep down in the ground which often
causes high contents of calcium, magnesium and other minerals in
the water. Therefore, very often the well water quality is very hard to
extremely hard. The Vulcan treatment offers a great solution for this.
Typically, Vulcan is installed just before the suction pump - if possible
with a distance of approx. 5 ft (1,5m) to the pump‘s motor. For
submersible pumps it is recommended to install Vulcan at the exit of
the hydrophor tank. Water quality: Well water quality also might contain
other substances such as iron and manganese (see more in section 4.4).
Vulcan installation with water softener
RO system
The purchase and installation of a
water softener alone would cost at
least 700 € (~$ US 1000) to buy and
another 35-85 € (~$ US 50-120) for the
installation by a plumber. Add annual
operating costs and maintenance on
top. For installation of water softener or
bypassing procedures.