10. Vulcan and its Effect on Machinery and Equipment
10.4 Solar Water Heating
Using a solar powered water heater is a smart green alternative to
traditional heating methods. Vulcan prevents scale build-up in the system.
It keeps the heat exchangers and distributor pipes clean. Furthermore,
Vulcan reduces scale build-up in collectors, it protects hot water tanks
and vacuum tubes and keeps the system from over-heating. There is no
more need to circulate acids.
10.5 Snow Production
The quality and quantity of snow in snow production is largely affected
by the water quality. The Vulcan Electronic - Impulse - Technology
changes the typical crystal structure of scale - from a chaotic clutter into
a well aligned monocrystal. The water droplets are finer, which allows
you to produce more snow with a better snow crystal structure that will
last longer.
10.6 Cooling Towers
As scale does not evaporate with water, it quickly accumulates in the
towers and clogs up the system. This causes malfunctioning and high
expenses for maintenance. Vulcan achieves a significant reduction of
scale deposits. Bleed water is no longer toxic and bacterial contamination
is minimized. In addition, with Vulcan, the cooling tower can be operated
at higher cycles of scale concentration, minimizing water usage.