5. When the three switch grooves (105) are in line, the three setting ring screw in the setting rings (78,
82, 84) are also in one line. Tighten the screws (81, 83 and 85) in the setting rings (78, 82, 84) using
a 1.5 mm hex wrench. Torque to 1.3 to 1.5 in.-lb.
6. Open the curtain.
Figure 3-25
Manually open curtain
Setting ring hex screws
Setting rings
7. Turn the three setting rings (97) of the right limit switch like in Step 4.
8. Tighten the setting ring screws (85, 83 and 79) in the setting rings (86, 82 and 79) to 1.3 to 1.5 in.-lb.
9. Verify the operation of the limit switch settings by operating the curtain from the controller.
10.Re-install the tools in the vinyl seal (92) and re-install the vinyl seal (92) followed by the limit switch
cover (61).
Unitized System Komfort Kool